You belong with me (t.s)

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Erza has just recently broke up with her boyfriend Nick. Erza tells her best friend Taylor about the situation. Will they get together....
Erza POV:
Nick and I had a date tonight at seven and it's 7:30. I drove to his house and went to his room and when I walked to his room I saw another girl with him. "Fuck you Nick." I yelled and ran back to my car.

As soon as I got into my car I called Taylor. Taylor picked up the phone after two rings. "Hey Tay. I have to tell you something." I said. "What happened." Taylor asked. "I had a date today with Nick today at 7. I knew he was gonna be late so I drove to his house. I opened his front door and walked into his room. Then I saw another girl with him in his bed. I yelled at him and decided to call you in my car." I said to Taylor.

"Do you want to come to my house." Taylor asked. "Yeah I'll be there in 15 minutes." I said. "Okay see you later." Taylor said. "Bye Tay." I said. I hung up the phone and drove to Taylor's house. As soon as I got to Taylor's house, Taylor grabbed me by the arm. "Good to see you too Taylor." I said. "You want pizza." Taylor asked. I nodded my head. Taylor ordered the pizza while Meredith climbed on my lap.

"Hello to you to Meredith." I said to the cat. Damn I love this cat so much. "I see that Meredith loves you more than me." Taylor said from behind. "But that doesn't change anything about you being something more to me." I said.

"Wait you love me." Taylor asked. "I always have Taylor. I just never had the courage to actually tell you myself." I said. Taylor pulled me closer to her and then she kissed me. I melted into the kiss. "I know this might not be the right time to do this but would you want to be my lover." Taylor asked. "Yes Tay I will be your lover." I said. Taylor took me by the hand and kissed me. I guess you can say that Taylor you belong with me forever.
Hey guys I wrote this while in class because I got bored. Also new story is coming it's gonna be called Romanoffs Fate. It was suggested by one of my follower. They helped me come up with a story line. I will write the story when I feel like it but yeah hope you guys have a good day afternoon or night.

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