Erza's Birthday (w.m)

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Erza's birthday was this week. Erza's girlfriend Wanda and the team do something special for her.
Wanda POV:
It was the week of my girlfriend's birthday and I want to surprise her. I asked the team if they wanted to help me throw a party for her. Natasha got the cake. Steve did the presents. Stark went all out on everything.

"Well Wanda what do you think?" Steve asked me. I looked around and I think it's perfect. "It looks great . Jarvis hide all the party decorations." I said. "Of course Ms. Maximoff." The A.I said. I walked into our room and I saw Erza laying in bed.

"So what you do all day?" Erza asked. "Nothing really you'll find out Friday." I said. "Okay fine love. But can we cuddle right now I miss you." Erza said. I got into bed and Erza leaned on my chest.

I got up before Erza and I left her a note because it's Friday the day of Erza's birthday. I walked in the kitchen with the team and went behind the counter. As soon as all the lights came on we jumped out from our hiding place. "Happy birthday Erza!" The team and I shouted.

"You guys did this for me." Erza asked. "Of course we did it was Wanda's idea." Pietro said. "Then I love it thank you all of you. Wanda love your coming with me." Erza told me. "Okay well I'll see you guys later." I said. My girlfriend took my hand and dragged me to our room to cuddle.

Hey guys thanks for reading and yes my actual birthday is this Friday. So yay me but I do hope y'all like the things that come out of my brain.

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