Love story pt 3 (e.o)

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Before I start this chapter ima put the first dance Lizzie's dad and daughter dance and Erza's mom and daughter dance. And here's the description for this chapter: Elizabeth and Erza get married and have all that lovey dovey shit but yeah hope you guys like it. And the reason why I remembered was because I went to a wedding on the second of October.

Erza and Lizzie's first dance: It's Been a Really Long Long Time - Harry James

Lizzie's dad and daughter dance: You'll be in my heart - Disney Tarzan

Erza's mom and daughter dance: Speechlesss - Dan +Shay

Other than that hope y'all like this chapter and yes this is the last part of the little chapter I made here (not the end of the book)
Erza POV:
Holy shit I can't believe I'm getting married to Elizabeth fucking Olsen. As soon as my panic calms down I see Seb walk in. "Damn if Liz saw you right now she would probably stop working and not move at all." Seb said.

After Sebastian walked in my mom walked in. "Honey are you ready?" My mom asked. "I'm almost ready." I said. "Your gonna do great Evans and I will be cheering you on." Seb said. "Thank you guys. For everything I'll see you guys out there." I said.

Seb and the other guys walked out while my mom stayed to walk me down the aisle. As soon as someone told me that Lizzie had just walked out I grabbed my moms hand and held it tight. "You ready Erza." My mom asked. "Ready as I'll ever be." I said. I walked down the aisle with my mom.

As a walked down the aisle I saw my soon to be wife standing in front of me. "Hey." I managed to say. "Hey." I heard Lizzie say to me. "We are here today to talk about my friends Elizabeth Olsen and Erza Scarlet." Robert said. "First I'm glad I get to do this for my friend." Robert continued. "Now on to the vows Elizabeth you want to go." Robert asked.

"Erza when I met you I just got out of an engagement with Robbie and I knew it was wrong to move on so quickly but something about you always felt right I knew you were the right person to talk about my problems with. I love all the cuddles you give to me and it's beautiful to see you melt into my arms after a long day. I love you Erza." Lizzie said to me. "Erza ready to read your vows." Robert asked.

"Lizzie where the hell have you been all my life. Ever since I met you all I could think about was how can this woman be so kind to other people. I love how your able to talk to people so easily. I can't believe we're really about to get married and I'm glad it's you and I wouldn't have it any other way. I will love you in every reality we are in Elizabeth Chase Olsen." I said. "Do you Erza Scarlet do you take Elizabeth Olsen to be your wife and to cherish everything you do." Robert asked. "I do." I said.

"Do you Elizabeth Olsen take Erza Scarlet to be your wife and cherish everything you do." Robert asked Lizzie. "I do." Lizzie said. I put the ring on Lizzie's ring finger and Lizzie puts a ring on my ring finger. "Now the moment all of you have been waiting for. You may now kiss the bride." Robert said.

Lizzie took me by the waist and kissed me while I melted into her arms. A few hours later we walked to the venue. "We're officially married to each other." Lizzie said. "Now the bride and bride please welcome Elizabeth Olsen and Erza Olsen!" The announcer said. We walked into the venue holding hands."Now they will do their first dance." The announcer said.

(Play the video)

After the song was done I went to the side. "Next is the dad and daughter dance." The announcer said.

(Play the video)

After the dance was done Lizzie went to the side and it was my turn. "Last but not least it's the mother and daughter dance." The announcer said.

(Play the video)

Worlds can't explain how perfect my life is I'm married to the love of my life and had the best day anyone could ask for.

Hey guys thanks for reading this unfortunately this is the last part to Love Story three parter. I decided a third part because I realized a huge mistake I didn't put the wedding process well I fixed it so you can have this.

Here's the people that stand next to each person at a wedding don't remember what they were

Sebastian Stan
Chris Evans
Chris Hemsworth
Benedict Cumberbatch
Tom Hiddleston
Tom Holland

Aubrey Plaza
Kathryn Hahn
Paul Bettany
Aaron Taylor Johnson
Jeremy Renner

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