Love story pt.1 (e.o)

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Erza and Elizabeth Olsen met in their fourth year of college. They heard a acting gig was available. Lizzie and Erza auditioned for the movie and they got the parts. Lizzie plays the one and only Wanda Maximoff and Erza plays Wanda's love interest. What will happen if Erza asks Lizzie to be her girlfriend.
Erza POV:
I met Lizzie in my fourth year of college. Lizzie and I both want to major in acting. I was done with my last class of the day so I walked over to Lizzie's class to surprise her. "That's it for today class and remember seniors your graduation is in two days." I heard Lizzie's professor say. Lizzie walked out of her class and I ran up to her.

"Hey Liz you ready for graduation in two days?" I asked. "Yep." Lizzie told me. "Oh yeah I heard that there's an audition across the street for a movie you wanna come audition with me?" I asked Lizzie. "Do you know what movie it's for?" Lizzie asked. "Nope but do you still want to audition?" I asked. "Yeah I still want to audition." Lizzie said. We went to the place of the audition and walked up to the lady.

"Hello I'm Erza Scarlet and this is my friend Elizabeth Olsen and we would like to audition for this movie." I said. We said some lines and the lady said that we can go. We left the audition place and went back to our dorm. "Well that audition didn't go that bad I think we did good Erza." Lizzie told me. "Yep I guess it wasn't that bad." I said.

Two days after graduation

Lizzie and I got a call from the man himself Kevin Feige. "Hey Liz did you get a voice mail from an unknown number?" I asked. "Yeah I did did you listen to it yet?" Lizzie asked. "Nope. I was waiting for you." I said. We played the message together. "Hello Erza and Elizabeth I am Kevin Feige. I am calling to tell you that Elizabeth you got the part of Wanda Maximoff and Erza you got the part of Melissa Scarlet Wanda's love interest. Thank you." The message said.

"Oh my fucking god Lizzie we got the part. We're gonna be in a marvel movie." I said. "Do you know which marvel movie though?" Lizzie asked. "The second avengers one?" I asked.

After a year of filming we finished Avengers: Age of Ultron. And today is the day I ask Lizzie to be my girlfriend. "Hey Lizzie? Can I take you somewhere private where no one is around?" I asked. "Sure let's go to my trailer." Lizzie told me. "Lizzie I love you I want to be with you with me. I loved you the first day I met you." I said while my face was a bit red. "I love you to Erza." Lizzie said. I pulled Lizzie close to me and pulled her into a passionate kiss.

Hey guys this is the beginning of a three parter I'll write part two later or when I have time.

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