Calling her by her full name (t.s)

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Taylor has been working all week at the studio. Erza decides to visit her girlfriend in her studio. When she calls her name will she respond right away or not care...
Erza POV:
I know Taylor has been working hard on her re release of Red. So I decided to call up Lily and go visit Taylor in her studio. Lily agreed to come visit Taylor with me so I picked her up and we went to Taylor's studio.

"So you sure Taylor lets you go in her studio." Lily asked. "Yeah I done it so many times she doesn't care." I said. As soon as we got there I told Lily to stay in the living room while I went to Taylor's studio. As soon as I got to her studio the door was unlocked and I walked in.

God damn what did I do to see this girl. I said to myself. "Tay. I'm here." I said to her. Taylor was still glued to the pages of her notebook. "Taylor can you hear me." I asked. She still didn't respond so I did the thing I didn't want to do.

"Dr. Taylor Alison Swift! Can you hear me." I yelled. Taylor shot her head up and saw me standing by the door of her studio. "Hey darling I didn't see you there." Taylor said. "Yeah we got it. To make it up let's go to dinner and your paying." I told her. "Deal." Taylor said. Taylor and I walked out of her studio and Lily went home a few hours ago. "When you said my full name it kinda scared me darling." Taylor told me. "That's what happens if you don't respond to me when I'm saying your name." I said to her.
Hey guys I know I did one with Lizzie but I also wanted to do one with Taylor so here it is another stupid story from my chaotic mind.

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