New years (e.o)

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Its New Year's Eve.  Lizzie and Erza go to Central Park to have a picnic. Little does Elizabeth know that her girlfriend of three years is gonna propose to her. And yes they are in New York.
Erza POV:
Today Lizzie and I plan on doing something fun before the year ends. But little does Lizzie know that I'm gonna propose to her at Central Park. I got most of the marvel actors and my best friend Robbie in on the engagement.

I texted the marvel actors and Robbie to meet me at my apartment. "Hey Liz I'm gonna go to my old apartment." I told her. "Why do you need to go to your old apartment for." Lizzie asked me. I need to go get some stuff from there." I told her. "Okay babe be safe." Lizzie told me.

I took my car to my old apartment to meet up with Robbie and the others. "Hey guys thanks for meeting me here." I told them. "Okay so what's the deal with all of us here." Robert asked. "I'm gonna propose to Lizzie tonight." I told them.

"Oh my god finally you guys have been together since forever." Evans said. "Shut up Evans and yeah I didn't have the guts to to it until now." I said. "Well tell us how it goes." Hemsworth said. I nodded my head and went back to the house. "Hey Liz I'm back." I said. "Hey honey." Lizzie said. "Do you want to go to Central Park right now." I asked.

"Sure let's go." Lizzie said. "Okay I'll be quick I have to grab a few things." I told her. I grabbed the ring box and grabbed my jacket and walked out the door. "Off to Central Park we go." I said. "I think I want to stay here for a while." I told her. She nodded her head and leaned on my shoulder.

"Hey Liz can I ask you something." I asked her. "Sure." She said. "When I first met you it was love at first sight and I can't help to think what made you so attractive to me. Now I know what makes you so attractive to me. It's everything you do to help other people. You make people smile without even realizing it. You make me even make me happy every when I'm with you." I said as I was taking the box out of my pocket and got down on one knee.

"So Elizabeth Chase Olsen will you be my forever and always." I asked her. Lizzie was too stunned to speak and nodded her head. I slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her like no one was watching us.
Hey guys I hope you guys enjoy your new year and I'm sure as hell won't because I'll be very annoyed and shit but yeah I don't give a fuck

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