Wired autocomplete interview (e.o)

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The title says it all and my favorite interview from Lizzie and my oc is here. They married. Erza also became an actor because you know Lizzie but it's not about Erza is it. It's about Lizzie.
Erza POV:
Lizzie took me to one of her interviews because she wanted me to come. "Darling you know where the snacks are?" I asked. "They are behind the camera but we can get it when we leave." Lizzie told me.

"Okay guys we're on in 5 seconds get to your places." The guy behind the camera said. Lizzie and I went in front of the camera and sat down. "Hi I'm Elizabeth Olsen." Lizzie said.  "And I'm Erza Olsen." I said right after Lizzie. "Today we are doing the Wired Autocomplete Interview." We said together.

"First question. Where is Elizabeth Olsen...God. From? That's better than Where is Elizabeth Olsen." Lizzie said. "Lizzie's from LA." I said. "Where did Elizabeth Olsen go to college?" Lizzie read. "NYU and I graduated." She winked. "Five and a half years." I said.

"How old is Elizabeth Olsen?" I read. "I am 29." Lizzie said. "When did Elizabeth Olsen get married?" Lizzie read. "Two years ago." I said. "Tomorrow is the third anniversary." Lizzie said. "What superhero is Elizabeth Olsen." I read. "Scarlet Witch but I just realized we don't say that in the franchise so I guess I'm Wanda." She said.

"Last question. What does Elizabeth Olsen do?" Lizzie read. "I cook, I work, I cuddle Erza, I don't make people laugh." Lizzie said laughing. "For a living." I finished of while laughing. "Thank you for watching." We both said.
Hey guys thanks for reading the book I really appreciate it. And yeah I like women with blonde hair like Taylor Swift and Elizabeth Olsen. I don't know why but I just do. I hope you have a good day or night or wherever you're from in the world.

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