Hunting for ghosts (t.s)

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Erza has a paranormal YouTube channel. Taylor finds out and they go to sin city to hunt some ghosts. Taylor and Erza are dating.
Erza POV:
Tomorrow I planned to go to Vegas to film for my channel. I'm gonna film at one of the really haunted hotels. As I was setting up for my intro my girlfriend walked into my room. She wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed me on the head.

"Hello darling." I said to her. "Hey baby. Why you have your suitcase." Taylor asked. "I'm gonna record a video at the most haunted hotel in Vegas and I also need a vacation too." I said to her. "Can I come with you darling I wanna spend time with you." Taylor said. I nodded my head and we started packing for our trip to Vegas tomorrow.

The next day

Taylor and I just got out of bed and headed to the airport. As soon as security let us go we get to our seats and went to Vegas. "Tay. I didn't buy a round trip." I told her. "Why baby doll." Taylor asked. "I want to get away from the fame for a while and I want to spend time with my girlfriend without the paparazzi." I said. "I think that's a great explanation." Taylor said. Our plane landed in the airport and we went to a place to rent a car.

As soon as we got the car I handed the camera to Taylor and she pressed record. "We are five minutes away from our destination." I said. "Okay fun fact I hate haunted stuff but I will do anything for my girlfriend." Taylor told the camera. "It's true she does." I said. After a few minutes of silence we were at the most haunted hotel. After I said all of that Tay turned off the camera.

As soon as I parked the car Taylor and I did the intro. I grabbed the camera and turned it on. "Hey guy welcome back to the channel today I'm gonna be doing a haunted video with my girlfriend." I said. Taylor moved into frame and waves to the camera. "Today we are gonna be staying at one of the most haunted hotels in Las Vegas. Now let's get to the lobby." I said.

We went to the lobby and I already had an eerie feeling there. "Do you think this place is haunted." I asked the lady. "Oh yeah it's haunted for sure. The 12th floor is where you get most of the activity." She said. I got our room key and then we walked to the elevators. "I don't like this already." Taylor said. "It's okay baby girl I'll protect you." I said.

The elevator dinged and we got in and I pressed the 12th floor. The elevator door shut and it went up. "Darling I love you and I promise to not let anything touch you." I said. Taylor nodded her head and held on to me. The elevator stops at the 11th floor. The door opens and absolutely no one was standing there. "Hello. Is anyone there." I asked. There was no answer.

The elevator closed and it went up to the 12th floor. We walked to our room and I opened the door and then we walked in. Our room looked really creepy. Taylor was still holding on to me. "Okay Tay I'm gonna talk about the history about this place you can sit next to me." I said.

Taylor nodded her head and sat down. I put the camera on the tripod, pressed record, and sat next to Taylor to talk about the history. "Okay guys I'm gonna talk about the history about this specific hotel." I said. Then Taylor heard a knock. "What was that." I asked. "It sounded like a tap." Taylor said.

"As I was saying this is one of the most haunted hotels in sin city. We are staying at the Luxor or as some of you may know it as suicide Luxor. There was many deaths that had happened in the hotel especially before the building was finished." I stopped because I thought I heard a whisper in my ear. "Did you hear that baby." I asked Taylor.

"I heard a tiny whisper that went 'hey.'" Taylor said. "That's what I heard too." I said to her. "I think we come back here after a few hours and walk around the strip and I'll leave a camera here to see if we catch anything." I said. I pressed the stop recording after I set a second camera on the table to see if we can catch anything.

A few hours later we got back to the hotel room I saw things moved around and I also saw that the camera was still recording. "Taylor." I asked as I turned my head. "Yeah darling." Taylor said from behind. "Why the fuck are my AirPods in the bathroom." I asked. Taylor became speechless.

"I think it's time to start the investigation." I said. Taylor nodded her head and I grabbed all the equipment and put it down on the floor. I grabbed the rem pod and put it on the table next to us. Taylor grabbed the emf meter and gave it to me. "I took the emf meter and checked for a frequency.

Not even five minutes later the emf meter spiked. "If you are making this spike can you go up and touch the rem pod I put on that table so we know that you are here with us." I asked. The rem pod went off. "Holy shit okay. Thank you." I said to the spirit. A few minutes after taking though the rem pod I decided to take out the digital recorder.

Taylor grabbed my hand and held on to me very tightly. "Did you touch me love." Taylor asked. "I didn't touch you I swear on my life I was about to get the digital recorder." I said to her. I grabbed the digital recorder and pressed record. "Who just touched my girlfriend." I asked. "Why are you stuck here." Taylor asked. "Were you one of the workers that worked on this hotel." I asked. "Are you one of the suicide victims." Taylor asked. After Taylor asked the question I cut the digital recording.

I pressed play so Taylor and I could listen to it. "Who touched my girlfriend." The recording said then a voice said 'it was me.' "Woah what the fuck." I said. As I listened to all the recordings there was just that little growl and a voice. As soon as it hit 3 AM Taylor and I got out of this hotel as fast as possible.

When we got to the elevator it stopped at the eleventh floor. "Fuck this shit let's get out of here." Taylor said. "I agree darling." I told her. I closed the elevator with the button and it went to the lobby. Taylor and I went to the car and locked the doors.

"Okay guys Taylor and I are gonna go to another hotel because this one was creepy as fuck. I hope you guys enjoyed the video. Smash that like button and while your down there subscribe to the channel. I will see you guys in the next one." I said to the camera. I stopped recording and went to another hotel with Taylor by my side.
Okay this specific one shot is something I had actually experienced myself. I don't have proof because I was 11 years old and I wasn't allowed to have a phone. Here is that story. In 2015 I went to Vegas with my parents, my brother, and my moms family. We stayed at the Luxor and at the time I did not know it was haunted but now I know. Before I tell you what happens our family all stayed on one of the haunted floors it was the 12th floor. Back to the story.

We went to the elevators and pressed the button to take us up. As the elevator opens we all get in and the elevators go up and then it stops at the 11th floor and to remind you our floor was the 12th floor. I was freaked out and I looked to my brother I tell him this he said and I quote it's like stranger things vibes. We laughed it off because we thought nothing of it. But it kept happening when we were there.

It was so bad that I don't even want to go back to this day. I hate everything about that pyramid in sin city. And I also learned a few days ago the Luxor or Su!c!d3 Luxor was possibly built in the land of where the former mafia bosses could have been buried. But that was my experience and I will never go back to the Luxor because it is fucked up.

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