Watching law and order svu with her (t.s)

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Disclaimer: I'm sorry I forgot this was actually true. Yes I know she named one of her cats after Olivia Benson. Taylor Swift watches Law and Order: Special Victims Unit and I like Law and Order: Special Victims Unit so the only logical thing to do in this situation is to write fan fiction and also disclaimer I am on season 8 of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. No spoilers up until the new seasons I need to catch up now on to the summary!!

Taylor asks Erza to watch Law and Order: SVU does Taylor know that Erza like the same show.
Erza POV:
I was in our shared bedroom until I heard the door open. "Hey Tay what's up." I asked. "I want to know if you want to watch law and order with me." Taylor asked. I also haven't told Taylor that I like law and order at all. So when she finds out it's gonna be a huge surprise for her. I said to myself "Yeah sure Tay." I told her.

"Should we order food before we watch it." Taylor asked me. I nodded my head so Taylor decided to order some pizza before we watch law and order. After the pizza arrived we sat on the couch

I turned on the tv and pressed on Hulu. Taylor brought the box of pizza and put it on the table while we cuddled with each other. As season 8 of law and order was playing we were playing with Olivia that was in between Taylor and I.

"Tay. Can I tell you something." I asked her. "Yeah sure baby doll." Taylor said while looking into my eyes. "What if I told you I like watching law and order too." I told her. Taylor stayed quiet. "No fucking way. Your joking right." Taylor asked. I shook my head.

Taylor looked at me and hugged me to death. "Okay okay baby I can't breath." I told her. Taylor loosened her grip and pulled me to her side. "I finally have someone to watch this show with." She told me. "Yes babe you do and I love it when you fangirl about your favorite shows." I told her.

Taylor continued to hold me in her arms until she fell asleep. The tv was still playing law and order while Meredith, Olivia, and Benjamin all climbed onto the couch. I smiled and fell asleep on Taylor's head while the cats slept on my lap. Tonight was the best night I ever had.
Hey guys hope you enjoyed that. This one is based off of drumroll binge watching of Law and Order: SVU yay. It's not a bad thing I forgot that Taylor likes Law and Order: SVU. So brought to you by my boredom I decided to write this chapter. Okay I'm gonna go and watch Law and Order: SVU myself because writing this is making me want to finish it. Hope you guys have a good day and or night or wherever you are from in the world.

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