Can't Sleep (e.o)

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It was 2 A.M and Erza couldn't sleep. Her girlfriend Lizzie couldn't sleep what happens if they both can't sleep.
Erza POV:
It was two in the morning and I couldn't sleep. My girlfriend the infamous Elizabeth Olsen was asleep. I didn't want to wake her so I got out of bed and decided to do some work. I was working for about an hour until I got a call from my best friend Robbie.

"Hey Erza what are you doing up so late?" Robbie asked. "I couldn't sleep so I decided to do some work on my laptop." I said. "Okay then. How's Lizzie doing?" He asked. "Lizzie's fine. She's asleep in the other room." I said. "Okay well I'll let you finish your work. Talk to you tomorrow dummy." Robbie said. "Yeah yeah talk to you tomorrow too idiot." I said. I hung up the phone and I see Lizzie standing right above me.

"Hey Liz thought you were asleep." I said. "I was but I couldn't sleep." Lizzie told me. "Do you want to sit with me?" I asked. "Sure why not." Lizzie said. "What were you watching before I came to sit with you?" Lizzie asked me. "I was watching Age of Ultron again because I love that sokovian accent you do so well." I said. Lizzie climbed to the couch and leaned on my chest as we slowly fell asleep watching Age of Ultron.

Hey guys thanks again for reading this I appreciate the votes and other things. But yeah I really hope you like this one took forever to write and I just had a little free time. And yeah Lizzie Olsen x Erza. (Can't say Lizzie anymore because the queen of England died may her soul rest peacefully.)

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