Christmas At Universal (e.o)

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Erza and her wife Lizzie both decided to go to universal studios for Christmas. As much as Lizzie hates roller coasters she likes to go on the Harry Potter roller coaster and Erza didn't force Liz she wanted to actually try it out.
Erza POV:
Lizzie and I decided for Christmas this year we are going to Universal. "Darling you ready." I yelled. "I'm almost done baby." Lizzie told me. A few minutes later Lizzie walked out of the bathroom and into the living room. "Okay Liz your ready." I asked her.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Lizzie said. We got in the car and played my Taylor Swift playlist. "So your sure you want to go to the Harry Potter roller coaster." I asked her. " I'm sure and if I get scared I'm holding on to your hand." Lizzie told me. "I'm okay with that." I said.

We walked around the city walk for a few minutes until the were ready to go though security. "Lizzie aren't we gonna get noticed." I asked her. "Don't worry I have the perfect thing to do." Lizzie told me. Lizzie gave me one of her sunglasses and a hat. We put it on before we went on any rides. "Okay Liz we going on the Harry Potter roller coaster." I told her. She nodded her head and held my hand.

After the ride was done we went to the studio tour. We got noticed by fans and we took  a few picture with them. Lizzie was doing really well. Then after the tram we went to the mummy ride and Lizzie was clinging to me for dear life. I kept her close the entire time.
Hey guys. Fun fact I went to Universal for my grad nite. That shit was so much fun. Another fun fact when I went on the mummy ride I hate it. To this day I still hate it. Then at grad nite my friend managed to convince me to go on the mummy so guess I'm going back to the mummy next year in the winter. But hope you guys like this.

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