Meeting her at a show (t.s)

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Erza gets invited to the rep room what happens when she meets her idol.... (This is the reputation era.)
Erza POV:
My friend Lily and I got tickets to opening night of the reputation stadium tour. "I'm so excited about this tour." I said. "I can't believe Taylor is actually on tour again." Lily said. "Me too come on. Let's get inside." I said.

Lily and I walked to our seats and waited for Taylor to come out. A few hours later the lights started to dim and we all payed attention to the screen. A few minutes after the show started I got a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw the Andrea Swift next to me.

"Have any of you girls met Taylor before." She asked. We both shook our head. "How would you like to meet Taylor." Andrea asked. Oh my god is this finally happening. I thought to myself. I hugged Andrea and she gave me and Lily a paper.

A few minutes after the show ended we walked to the rep room. Oh my fucking god I get to meet my idol. A few minutes later Taylor walked in the room. "Hey guys!" Taylor said. Almost everyone including me.

The people from tn told us to get in line so we could meet Taylor. A few minutes later I was next in line. After the last person left I walked in. "Hi Taylor." I said. "Hi. Oh my god you look so good!" Taylor said. "Thank you." I said. "I love you so much and your music has helped me though a lot of problems in my life." I said. "Aww I'm so glad you like it. Come on you want a picture." Taylor asked. I nodded and we took a few pictures. "It was so nice meeting you." I said. "You too. Oh one more thing could I get your Instagram. I'm gonna follow you." Taylor said. I gave Taylor my instagram and I walked out. Aahahhaahha Taylor Swift follows me on Instagram.
Hello is this thing on. Hi guys. I'm so sorry I forgot about this book. I don't know what I want to do with this. This thing is gonna be one in a few weeks. But I'm probably not gonna update this story for a while because I'm gonna go to Disney in a few more day with a devil of a cousin I have up norst and I hate her with everything I got. Also stream SNTV do not give 🛴money. Hope you like the story.

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