Thanksgiving at Avengers compound (w.m)

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It's thanksgiving at the compound and Tony decides to throw a party because he's Tony and also an arrogant man.
Erza POV:
Damn todays the holiday with the turkey and Stark decided to have it on the day me and my girlfriend Wanda decide to have our date. How would I tell my girlfriend.

I walked into our shared room and saw her sleeping in our bed. "Darling I need to tell you something." I said while gently shaking Wanda. "Dekta (love) what would be the problem." Wanda asked. "Well you know Stark and his parties right." I asked. Wanda nodded her head.

"Well...he planned a party when we had date night tonight." I said. Wanda stayed quiet for a good ten seconds and decided to take my hand and drag us to talk to Stark. "Love we don't have to tell him." I said.

Wanda woke up Stark and started to yell at him. (A/N: Sorry gonna make Tony arrogant in this. Now back to the story.) When we got to Stark's office Wanda barged into his office and stood right in front of him.

"Hey witchiy what's wrong." Stark asked. "Erza and I are gonna have a date night tonight and you can't stop us from going to your big ass thanksgiving party." Wanda said to Stark. He was speechless and Wanda and I took that opportunity to get out of his office and get ready for our date.
Happy Thanksgiving (if you celebrate it) guys. I decided to write this because why not and I miss writing about our favorite witch so yeah hope you guys enjoy this story.

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