Christmas at Avengers Compound (w.m)

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Tony decides he want to throw a party for Christmas. Wanda decides she wants to propose to Erza. Will Tony allow Wanda to propose to her two year long girlfriend
Erza POV:
I heard Tony wanted to throw a party. What any girlfriend would do is to grab her girlfriend to go to a party with me. "Darling? Are you in here?" I asked. There was no answer. I walked out to the living room to find Wanda in the kitchen. I hugged her from behind. "Hey love." Wanda said.

"What are you doing tonight?" I asked. "Planning us something for our two year annaiversary this year." Wanda told me. "Okay then we still going to Stark's party right." I asked. "Yeah we are still going to Stark's party tonight." Wanda said.

A few hours later we both got ready for Stark's party. Wanda and I got some drinks and sat in the living room. "I'll be back love I have to get something from Nat's room." I told Wanda. Wanda nodded and went to the couch.

Wanda POV:
As soon as Erza left I grabbed the ring from our room and then went to Natasha's room. "Darling hey." Erza said. "Love can we go to the balcony?" I asked. Erza nodded her head. We took the elevator to the balcony.

"Wanda what are we doing here." Erza asked me. "I wanted to see the sunset." I told her. She nodded her head. "Erza. You know I love you very much right." I asked. "Yeah darling I love you very much too." Erza told me.

I didn't know this was gonna be hard. So I played love story by Taylor Swift. "Erza when I first met you I knew I wanted you to be with me every single day. I want you to be with me when I wake up every morning. I wanna watch the sunset with you every night and watch the sunrise with you every day. So if I may can I make you my wife." I asked.

Erza nodded her head and I slipped the ring on her finger and hugged her. "Thank you Wanda. This is the best Christmas I ever had darling." Erza told me. I kissed my fiancé while she melted in my touch.

Hey guys I hope you guys like this part of the story. I have two more of the same version but I don't really give a fuck. But I hope you guys have a good day and or night wherever your from in the world.

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