Fireworks (w.m)

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Erza hates loud noises. Erza's girlfriend Wanda Maximoff is the only one that knows that Erza doesn't like loud noises. Tony wanted to play fireworks and what  happens if Tony plays with fireworks in front of Erza.
Erza POV:
I hated loud noises ever since I was a child. I only told my girlfriend that I hated loud noises. The others don't know I'm afraid of loud noises. I don't like it when someone mentions loud noises. It was the Fourth of July and I knew there was gonna be so many loud noises everywhere.

Wanda walks into my room and sits on my bed. "Are you okay love." Wanda asks. "No. There's gonna be loud noises and you know how much I hate it." I said. "I know love. Stark invited us to his party." Wanda said. "And I bet we have to go." I said. "Yep. Don't worry love I'll hold you when they start." Wanda told me. I kissed my girlfriend and hugged her. "Thank you darling. What would I do without you here." I asked. "I'm sure you can do almost everything yourself." Wanda said.

I cuddled next to my hot girlfriend. "Love we need to get ready for Stark's party." Wanda said. "Okay I'll be out in five." I said. I walked out of Wanda's bathroom and I saw her standing near our bed. "Babe you like really hot." I said. "Thank you darling now come on before we get yelled at by Stark." Wanda said.

Wanda and I walked to the living room and sat on the couch. "Is everyone ready for fireworks?!" Stark asked. "F fireworks?" I asked quietly. "Yeah. What's wrong with it?" Tony asked. Wanda saw that I was getting uncomfortable and came running to me. "Love are you okay." Wanda asked. "No I'm not doing very well can I cuddle you?" I asked Wanda.

Wanda put me on her chest and covered my ears so I wouldn't hear the fireworks. "How you doing love are you okay?" Wanda asked while she's still covering my ears. I gave her a thumbs up and nodded.

At midnight Wanda took me back to our room and we got under the covers. "Hey darling I wanted to thank you for covering my ears back there." I said. "Yeah your welcome." Wanda said. "Hey Jarvis can you make this room sound proof?" I asked still shaken up from the loud noises outside. "Of course Ms. Maximoff ." The ai said. The next day Wanda yelled at Stark to not mention fireworks to me again.

Hey guys thanks for reading this story. I know many people did this kind of story but I love Wanda too much so I decided to do this even tho there's too many of these.

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