A tale of two friends

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Okay so this one might be different because I have been dying to write something like this for a while now and it didn't hit me until I saw a picture on Twitter so here's that and here's the description for it: In the Tayrelm reputation and 1989 are best friends. What happens when it's time for 1989 to go back to Taylor and also 1989 had an eating disorder but reputation helped her though it
Reputation POV:
I was sitting in my room until I heard a knock on my door. "It's open." I said. 1989 walked in and sat on my bed. "Hey 1989. What are you doing here." I asked. "Hey rep. I have a question." 1989 said. "What is it." I asked softly. "Do you think mom forgot about us reputation." 1989 asked.

I pulled 1989 closer to me before I started to speak. "I don't think so. Remember speak now everyone thought she was forgotten." I said. "Yeah I remember. Then on 7/7 mom had her back." 1989 said. "That's right. Watch. Tonight at one of the LA tour mom is gonna at least announce one of us as her new re recording." I said.

"Your right rep. Now come on let's have some fun." 1989 said. 1989 and I ran out of my bedroom and played with debut.

Time skip to a few minutes after 1989 Taylor's version was announced....

"You have everything packed." I asked. "Yep." 1989 said. "I'm gonna miss you 1989. I'll see you on the other side." I said. "You too reputation. See you on the other side." 1989 said. 1989 got on her plane and went to mom while I stood next to debut. "Reputation where is 1989 going." Debut asked. "She's going home to mom. She's free." I said.
Omg this made me cry but as I said before this was based on something I saw on Twitter

 ————————————————————Omg this made me cry but as I said before this was based on something I saw on Twitter

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This is not my art. All the credit goes to @aelf (I'm sorry if I butchered your name) on Twitter and Instagram. His art is so good so go follow him. And please tell me if you guys want more things like this but with all of the albums

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