New years (t.s)

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Erza and Taylor go to Paris (sorry can't think of anything more romantic than Paris France). Little does Erza know Taylor is about to make the new year special
Erza POV:
Taylor and I were in Paris for three weeks. We had two more days left until we go back to New York. "Tay can we just stay in bed today." I asked her. "Sorry baby girl I have some stuff planned for us today come on." Taylor said. "Okay but tomorrow we are staying in this bed." I said.

"Deal we are not getting out of bed tomorrow." Taylor said. I got changed and waited for Taylor by the door. "Baby are you ready." I asked Taylor. "In a minute I have to get something on my nightstand really quick." Taylor said.

A few minutes later Taylor and I walked around the city of Paris. "Tay thank you for buying us tickets to France." I said to her. "No problem babe. I think we both deserve this vacation." Taylor said.

After we walked around Paris we got some food to take back to our hotel room. "Do you want to go to the Eiffel Tower later after dinner." Taylor asked. "Yeah sure." I said. After our dinner we walked out to the Eiffel Tower.

"Tay this is so beautiful." I said to her. "Not as beautiful as you darling." Taylor said. My cheeks tired red as a tomato. Taylor grabbed her phone and played her version of love story. "Why'd you put on love story Tay." I asked her.

"Because of this." Taylor said. Taylor got down on one knee and I gasped. "Erza I loved you when I first met you and I can't imagine it with anyone else. So as my song says marry me Erza you'll never have to be alone." Taylor said. I was speechless. I nodded my head and Taylor slipped the ring on my finger and kissed me.

It felt like no one in the entire world was watching us. I didn't care if people were taking pictures of us. It was the best day out of my entire life.
Hey guys thank you so much for reading this oneshot. I clearly had the best time of my life writing it. I love it so much that I can't stop writing I hope you guys have a great day and or night or wherever you are in the world and have a happy new year. See you guys in 2023 :)

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