Grief (w.m)

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Wanda Maximoff had lost her brother in the battle of Sokovia a few years ago. Then one day Wanda didn't want to come out of her room. Her girlfriend Erza finds out about this and trys to help Wanda with her grief.
Erza POV:
I love my girlfriend to death but lately she is always in her room. So I decided to ask Bucky. "Hey bucket. I need your help." I said. "What now dummy." Bucky asked. "You know why Wanda is in her room all the time?" I asked. "I don't know probably upset about her brothers death." Bucky said.

As soon as Bucky said that I ran straight to her room. "Wanda? Can you open up. It's me Erza." I said. I saw red wisps then I heard the door unlock. I opened up the door and I see Wanda crying. I walked up to her and sat beside her. "Love what happened. I'm worried about you." I said.

Wanda hugged me so tight and didn't want to let me go. "Darling what happened? Are you okay." I asked. "No. I keep having nightmares about Pietro." Wanda said. I sighed and kissed her. "Love is that the reason why you won't come out." I said.

"I'm also afraid to lose you too I don't want you to die on me." Wanda said. "Love everyone has to die at some point. It just so happens that Pietro died while protecting you." I said. Wanda calmed down and let go a bit. "Do you feel a little bit better." I asked. "Yeah I do." Wanda said.

"Good now let's go get some food." I said. "Erza wait. You free after training today?" Wanda asked me. "Yeah why." I asked. "Do you want to go on a date with me?" Wanda asked. "Of course love I would love to." I said.

Hey guys I wrote this before but it got deleted so I had to re write all of this so hope you like it and yeah this is for my favorite witch because I love her.

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