Thank you

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Hey guy this is gonna be a long ass note but idc anymore. I am deciding to end this one shot book because the only person I seem to write for is Taylor if you guys noticed. I still love Wanda but I can't think of anything for her.

I mean don't get me wrong I enjoy writing fan fiction but I just don't have the time to write it cause I have school everyday and I have quizzes every single week.

So technically the only time I can write fan fiction is literally on my thanksgiving break winter breaks or holidays I have off. Also on top of that I don't have the motivation to keep this book going.

I legit am all out of ideas and I have to look for more cool stuff but I'm also lazy to turn it into a story so I just wanted to say thank you so so so so much for reading this book. If you guys want to read more of my stories you guys can check out my Taylor one shot book if you want.

But yeah I hope you guys have a good rest of your day week night or wherever you are from in the world.

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