Instagram posts (w.m)

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Instagram posts that's it

@itserza: My girl trying to murder ThanosLiked by scary_bitch:) and 1,000 more@u/n: y'all are so cute together       @itserza: aw thanks

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@itserza: My girl trying to murder Thanos
Liked by scary_bitch:) and 1,000 more
@u/n: y'all are so cute together
@itserza: aw thanks

@itserza: don't mess with my girl or she's gonna come for you @chaos_bitchLiked by chaos_bitch and 1,000,000 more@scary_bitch:): Thor stole your pop tarts again @itserza       @itserza: he did?! I'm gonna yeet his ass

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@itserza: don't mess with my girl or she's gonna come for you @chaos_bitch
Liked by chaos_bitch and 1,000,000 more
@scary_bitch:): Thor stole your pop tarts again @itserza
@itserza: he did?! I'm gonna yeet his ass

@itserza: don't mess with my girl or she's gonna come for you @chaos_bitchLiked by chaos_bitch and 1,000,000 more@scary_bitch:): Thor stole your pop tarts again @itserza       @itserza: he did?! I'm gonna yeet his ass

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@itserza: happy birthday my love I hope you have a good day @chaos_bitch
Liked by capsicle genius_billionaire_playboy scary_bitch:)

Holy fuck this took twelve hours to write

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