Rings (e.o)

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Erza owns a lot of rings. Her wife Lizzie knows that she loves rings. Then one day one of Erza's rings went missing. What happens when Erza finds out that Lizzie is wearing one of her rings.
Erza POV:
When I was about 12 years old I started to collect rings. The reason why I have rings is because I just like the way they are in on my fingers. My wife Lizzie knows I love my rings. When I proposed to Lizzie I made her ring.

I wear rings all the time. I was looking for one of my favorite rings. I remember putting it on my nightstand right next to me. I walked down stairs and I saw Lizzie cooking some breakfast. "Hey babe." I said to my lovely wife. "Hey I'm making breakfast." Lizzie said. "Oh did you make my favorite." I asked.

Lizzie nodded her head and I hugged her from behind. "Hey Liz I got a question to ask you." I said. "Yeah sure what is it." Lizzie asked. "Have you seen my favorite ring. It was on my night stand." I said. "I haven't maybe we can check on the set of Wandavison." Lizzie told me. "Sure it could be in your trailer." I said.

Lizzie drove us to the set of Wandavision. As soon as we got there we went to Lizzie's trailer. "Hey look who it is." A woman said. "Hey Hahn what are you up to?" I asked. "We're almost done with breaking the fourth wall." Hahn said. "Well damn I'm guessing your the villain in the show." I asked. "Yeah I am." Hahn told me. "Okay to the point when I was in Lizzie's trailer the other day did I leave my ring in there." I asked. "Nope. But I think Lizzie might have taken it." Hahn said. "Thanks Hahn talk to you later." I said as I ran back to Lizzie.

I saw Lizzie and I went up to her. "Liz is that my favorite ring your wearing." I asked. "Guess I can't hide it anymore. Yeah it's your favorite ring." Lizzie told me. "Damn Olsen if you wanted to try it you could have asked me or I would have bought it for you." I said. Lizzie gave my ring back and I put it back on my finger. "Now shall we go home Scarlet?" Lizzie asked. "First your taking me out to dinner first Olsen." I said. We walked out and went to our car.

Hey guys I thought this was cute so you guys can have this little story I wrote and there is someone finally other than Lizzie and Erza. I put Kathryn Hahn because I wanted to put a bit of wandavision. That's it thanks for reading this

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