We really were timeless (t.s.)

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The year is 1944 Taylor's wife Erza is very ill and has very little time left.. a hundred years later Taylor is a very successful music artist and what happens if she sees the love of her life again in a different time. (Year 1944 Taylor and Erza's names is gonna have one of my other characters name. Taylor: Betty Erza: Rebecca. They are both gonna be somewhere in their seventies. Year 2017 Taylor is Taylor and Erza is Erza they are both gonna be 23)
Taylor POV:
"Betty I'm not going to get any better." Rebecca said. "Darling I refuse to pull the plug on you." I said. "Betty I think we are still going to be with each other a hundred years later." Rebecca said. I took her hands and held it in mine. "We are going to be fine we will find each other in another life I promise." I said. The doctor pulled the plug and I saw my girls heart flatline. I'll find you I promise. I said to her.

A hundred years later...........

Erza POV:
I just broke up with my boyfriend of four months because I found out he cheated on me with my best friend. I decided to drive myself to the bar. A soon as I got to the bar I sat down on a stool. "Can I get a margarita." I asked. The bartender gives me a margarita and I take a sip of it. Then a girl sat down next to me. "Do I know you from somewhere." The girl asked. "I don't think so but you do look like someone I used to know." I said.

"I'm Taylor. What's yours." The girl asked. "I'm Erza nice to meet you Taylor." I said. "So what do you do for a living." Taylor asked. "I'm an actor. What do you do for a living." I asked. "I'm a singer songwriter." Taylor said. "Oh wait think I listen to your music." I said.

"Oh really. What's your favorite song." Taylor asked. "I would have to say back to December." I said. I looked at the time and I realized it was getting late. "Oh fuck. I gotta go." I said. "Oh yeah could I have your phone number. I liked talking to you." Taylor asked. I gave Taylor my phone and she put in her phone number. "Text me when you get home." Taylor said.

I went to my car and drove home. As soon as I got home I texted Taylor I was home. Taylor and I talked for hours until Taylor mentioned something about a really specific year 1944. "It's fine you don't have to answer it." Taylor said. "Tay that's why you were so familiar." I said. "I think we met each other in 1944 then we may have possibly got reincarnated." Taylor said. "So that would mean we were in love with each other." I asked. "Yeah I guess so." Taylor said. "Okay then be my girlfriend." Taylor said. "Wait really." I asked.

"Yeah be my girlfriend." Taylor said. "Yes I'll be your girl." I said. "Thank god I love you." Taylor said. "I love you too." I said. I hung up the phone and I thought to myself Taylor and I really were timeless.
Hey guys I thought of this one shot story because I listened to timeless and I thought of this story. Hope you guys like it.

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