Prologue - Part 1

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Marinette was at the bakery with 6 boxes of macarons. Her father Tom called her.

'Yes, Dad I'm on my way.....Late? I'm never late!....Oh well, maybe I'm sometimes late, but I'm coming!'

She hung up and almost dropped the boxes as she made her way to the door. She opened up the door awkwardly as Luka was out the front on his bike.

'Aagh!' Marinette cried out as she threw the boxes up in the air in surprise but Luka caught them all without dropping a single one.

'Hey Marinette!' Luka said.

'Oh... Luka! Nice catch! Thanks!' she replied as he gave them back to her, her cheeks dusted bink with blushing.

'I've been working on writing a song for you Marinette, a tune that matches you perfectly. I came to play it for you. Wanna hear it?'

'Sure!' she replied, blushing even more at the thought that someone even bothered to write a song for her.

Just then Tom called her again. 'Yes, Dad...yes I'm on my way.' she hung up.

'Sorry, I gotta go' she said sadly, looking into Luka's cerulean eyes. She very much would rather hear the song.

Luka took the boxes and secured them on the back of his bike and gave her his spare helmet and smiled at her.

She smiled as she took the helmet, strapped it on, and got on the back of his bike as she put her arms around his waist as she blushed like crazy, grateful Luka was facing the other way.

'Okay, hold on tight!' Luka smiled as they set off. 'Uh, where are we going?' he asked, realising he didn't know where Marinette was taking the macaron boxes.

'The Le Grand Paris Hotel' Marinette called back as Luka nodded. He was going the right way and should be there in about five minutes. In the meantime, he was getting butterflies in his stomach as his crush held onto him and would squeeze a little tighter when they went over bumps in the road. It felt...nice. And he was glad that Marinette couldn't see his blushing face.

He cycled her all the way to the hotel where Chloe's parents were celebrating their wedding anniversary.

'Thank you so much for the lift, Luka' Marinette said as she got off and handed him back the helmet. She took the boxes and kissed his cheek as Luka blushed even more as he hoped that could be mistaken for exertion from the bike ride he just did.

'Happy to help Marinette. I'll play you the song later!' he called out as he cycled away, as he felt the butterflies getting stronger.

'Can't wait to hear it!' she called out in reply, really meaning what she said as she really wanted to hear a song written just for her. It made her feel special.

Marinette went into the function room and saw her parents.

'Over here!' they waved to her.

She looked over and saw Adrien and Kagami looking very bored. She couldn't see where she was going and tripped over a roll in the carpet. The boxes went everywhere but luckily the lids were secured shut.

Adrien and Kagami saw her and saw their chance for some excitement. They got up and Kagami's mother and Adrien's bodyguard blocked their way. 'We're not leaving, we're just helping out a friend at the buffet' Adrien said. They let them go.

'Hey guys, I don't want to keep you from your party!' Marinette said.

'Are you kidding, we can't wait to get away!' Adrien replied.

They took two boxes each over to her parents.

'Thanks honey, could you take these empty trays out to the kitchen please?' Sabine asked her.

'Let us help you. Please?' Adrien begged.

'Oh, all right!' Marinette replied.

'Oh, and before you go back home, could you please bring back a box of those little cocktail umbrellas?' Tom added.

'Sure Dad!' Marinette said as she headed out to the kitchen with Adrien and Kagami in tow carrying a few trays each.

Adrien and Kagami grabbed ladles and started playing at fencing while Marinette looked on and giggled.

'It's nice to be disobedient every once in a while.' Kagami said.

'Yeah, it's so exhausting having to do everything our parents expect of us.' Adrien added.

'Where are the children?' Kagami's mother asked Adrien's bodyguard, Maurice. 'They should have been back by now!'

Maurice got up and headed towards the kitchen and opened up the door but Adrien and Kagami ducked behind the counter just in time.

'Hello!' Marinette said. 'Are you looking for something?'

He looked confused and left.

'Thanks Marinette!' Adrien said.

'Please, escape with us!' Kagami added.

'No, you guys go have fun. I'm going to take the cocktail umbrellas to my parents like they wanted.'

'Are you sure Marinette?' Adrien asked her.

'Yeah, you guys hardly ever get to have any fun! Now get outta here!' she replied.

'Ok, but how will we get to the door?' Adrien asks.

'Hmm...I know!' Marinette smirks mischievously.

Marinette spots a serving trolley and tells them 'Hide under this!'

Then she puts a white cloth over the top and the box of cocktail umbrellas on top.

'There! Now stay quiet!' she said as she winked at them.

'Thanks Marinette!' Adrien and Kagami whispered as she wheeled the trolley over to her parents.

'The box wasn't that heavy, was it?' Tom asked.

'Oh!' Marinette giggles in reply. 'I just thought it would look more elegant if I brought them out on a serving trolley!'

Sabine tells her, 'Thanks honey. We should be good now; you can go on home if you like.'

'Thanks mom!'

She quickly and quietly wheels the trolley towards the entrance.

'All clear! You can come out now!'

'Yes, finally free! Thanks Marinette!' Adrien says.

'Are you sure you don't want to come with us?' Kagami asked.

'No, I better go home, I've got homework to finish. You both go ahead!' Marinette smiled.

'Okay, see you at school!' Adrien waved as he and Kagami ran off.

'How come you didn't go with them Marinette?' Her Kwami, Tikki asked from her purse. Marinette looks down at Tikki' and smiles. 'I hated lying about homework but I'd feel like a third wheel if I went with them. I don't want to get in their way. They actually do make a great couple.' She remembers how Luka helped her get the macaron boxes to the party on time and smiles. Luka's always there for me she sighs happily as she begins to head for home, suddenly getting butterflies at the thought of Luka playing her a song...

















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