Dreaming like a Child

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Opening my eyes I see I am riding on a horses back through the forest until I pulled the reins stopping outside an old castle in a clearing. Dismounting the horse a light yellow dress falls down my legs. Slowly twirling around I had to admit that the dress was beautiful but I don't understand how this is possible. Tucking hair behind my ear a sudden voice with a giggle makes me nearly jump out of my skin. "How did you stumble onto my grounds, dearie. I'd hate to take that heart of yours so soon." Holding my hands up in front of me I gulped seeing a man dressed in snake skins smirking directly at me. Moving my left foot backwards I stay beside my horse who made a noise to the man or should I say creature. "What's your name, sir...I'm Astrid." He does a bow before red ungolfs him and he reappears wearing a tux and a cane. "Rumplestiltskin..." Rolling the R in his name longer than I expected him to. He slowly walks up to me where I froze in my place unsure if it was done out of fear or something intriguing inside my mind.

Ever since I was a little girl I've had my head wrapped around the hope that maybe my life could be a fairytale. I should have given up on the childish thoughts years ago but growing up in the foster system with my sister I needed to have some hope. My older sister by only 2 minutes gave up when she became a teenager while I still keep acting like I am child. Rumplestiltskin holds out his hands seeing my hesitation to put my hands in his. "I'd like to give you something, Lady Astrid." Shaking my head no I corrected the man with brown eyes staring down at me softly. "I am not a princess, Mr. Rumplestiltskin...you know what that's too long. How about I just call you, Rumple hmm?" Rumplestiltskin smiled suddenly giving me a tiny twirl underneath his arm like we were dancing yet I knew we weren't. "You can call me whatever you'd like Lady Astrid. Let me give you some advice though free of charge." Leaning up on my toes he didn't get the chance to finish his sentence.

The door to my apartment I share with my sister Emma gets opened and she walks in dropping her shoes at the door. Sitting up on the couch I rub the sleep from my eyes not intending to fall asleep in the living room. Tonight she was putting herself back into the dating world but it clearly didn't go well when she shut the door a little aggressively. Swinging my legs over the couch I rest my elbows on my knees asking. "What was the guys problem tonight, sis?" She sat a box down on the countertop opening it to reveal two simple cupcakes that she had bought for our birthday. Which is today number 28 to be exact. "He's married. That's the problem, Astrid. Come on candle time." She flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder when I rose to my feet intertwining my right hand with hers. Closing my eyes I didn't know it but we wished for the same thing, to not be just the two of us on our birthdays anymore. Suddenly the doorbell rang as I started eating my cupcake until she called my name sounding concerned.

"Uh. Can I help you?" Emma asked barley holding the door opened where I see a small boy smiling up at us. He has brown hair and bright eyes with a bookbag over his shoulder. "Are you Emma and Astrid Swan?" He asked us both with hope in his eyes. Leaning around my sister's arm I answered him. "Yes...can we know who you are kid?" He nodded never dropping the smile from his face. "My name's Henry. I'm your son." He declared eyeing my sister. He moves around entering the apartment searching for juice. Running my fingers through my hair I flopped back on the couch. "So let me get this straight. You ran away from home and came searching for your birth mother?" The boy Henry nodded yes pointing a finger at me. "I want you and my mom to come home with me to Storybooke." She rolled her eyes about to call the cops until I grabbed her arm giving her the puppy dog eyes. "Come on, Em. He's just a kid." She puts the phone down changing into a red leather jacket walking down to her yellow bug on the street.

Sitting in the backseat I peak my head over seeing the ten year old reading what could only be an old fairytale book. My sister obviously noticed raising a brow to him. "What's that?" He doesn't look away from the page he's reading till he mentions my name. "I'm not sure you're ready...Astrid is ready though." My sister focused her attention back on the road when I leaned forward in my seat confused at what he meant. "Henry, what are you saying exactly?" He turned in the seat showing me a picture of a man wearing skins and leather inside a cell. "Have you ever seen this man. Because I can see it in your eyes, belief." Blinking my eyes a few times I tilt my head slightly recognizing the man from my dream. "I guess...it was only in a dream.." Emma glanced back to me through the mirror. "Just because you believe something doesn't make it true." She scoffed to where he replied back. "That's exactly what makes it true." He leans back to the seat with my eyes trained on the book.

Snow White and Prince Charming where desperate for an answer from the only man who could tell them anything, Rumplestiltskin. Walking down to his cell she rested her hand on her belly suprised that he had a solution. A solution she didn't agree with. Because it involved putting their lives in the hands of their unborn child. That she would never get to raise her child like a mother always dreamed. Charming grabbed his wife's arm pulling her away from the dark man. "I've heard enough we're leaving." Rumplestiltskin started shaking the bars screaming. "We had a deal. I want her name. We had a deal I need her name!" Charming stopped correcting the monster. "Her, it's a boy." Snow paused in her steps when he spoke again. He was the most powerful magician in all the realms so of course he knew all. "Missy, Missy. You know I'm right...tell me what's their names." Charming stared at his wife not knowing that there were two babies. "Emma and Astrid. That's their names." Snow revealed leaving the dark one inside his cell.

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