Not You're Darling Pan

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Foosteps approached my cage as I hug my knees to my chest looking out towards the distance of the woods. My nails are broken a little because I have been trying to rip the cuff off for hours but it doesn't budge at all. "I brought you something to eat, Astrid. If your interested." Pan declared sliding a bowl of food underneath a hole of the wooden cage but I just turned my back to him.

"I'm not taking food from you. It could be poisoned for all I know. Go away!" I scoffed playing my loose hair in between my fingers.

I heard him sit down outside my cell resting his elbows on his knees. "You should be nicer to me, darling. I am considering letting you out to play a game with Henry and the boys."

Glancing over my shoulder I saw he was looking over his own staring directly at me with a light smile. "I wanna know something, Pan. Why are you after Henry. Why and how did you manage to capture me when I was at Rumple's side when we arrived here?"

"I'll tell you the answers if you come join in the games." He suggested rising to his feet unlocking the cage offering me his hand to take.

Pulling my hands close to my chest I flipped my hair over my shoulder. He shrugged his shoulders leading the way where I could see Henry holding a wooden stick as a sword in his hand fighting with one of the lost boys. "Not bad. But wouldn't it be more fun, if you had real swords?" Pan said leaning his back against a tree.

"I've never used a real sword." Henry spoke seeing me standing by him. "Aunt Astrid, are you okay?"

I started to respond until Pan raised a hand walking over to my nephew changing his focus. "This is Neverland and you have the heart of the truest believer. You can use whatever you want." He placed a hand on his shoulder still talking. "You just need to believe, Henry. Close your eyes and believe you're holding a real sword." Henry closes his eyes opening them again where he's holding a blade in hand. Henry broke the boys wooden stick and managed to cut him since his was a real blade.

"I'm sorry. It was an accident." Henry gasped feeling terrible about hurting the boy in front of him.

Henry dropped his sword glancing my direction as I searched for a chance to bolt and run. Maybe just maybe I could make it outside his camp. "Henry. Don't you know the best thing about being a Lost Boy?" Pan hands Henry his sword back. "You never apologize."

The lost boys started cheering where I slipped behind the tree but someone snagged my wrist yanking me backwards. My hands collided with the chest of Pan himself. He stares down at me but he's not as tall as Rumple is compared to me. He tightened his grip on my wrist keeping me from running as he picked up Henry's sword. Creating another in his hand offering it to me. "I believe it's the ladies turn to swing a blade. Let's see what you can do shall we?"

"I thought you didn't trust me with a weapon that's why you locked me up." I asked wrapping my hands around the handle of the blade taking two steps backwards from him. "Giving me a sword sort of breaks that rule, you child." I stick my tongue out getting into a fighting stance.

Pan smirks slowly spinning his sword in his hand taking two steps forward my direction. "I don't trust you with your magic so that's why you have that cuff. Now a sword is different. I don't think you can best me darling." He raised the tip of the blade lifting my chin up a little.

"Get this through your skull, Pan..." I trailed off knocking his sword away from me. Raising it again our weapons clashed where our noses are almost touching. "I am not your darling and never will be yours."

He shoved me backwards swinging his sword down to me but I swung mine up knocking his towards the ground. Pulling my sword back I elbowed him in the side twirling around in a circle where he stumbled backwards. Pan tripped over my boot falling flat on his back dropping his sword. "Now take this cuff off me before I kick you in the nuts like I did Captain Hook." I threatened pressing the tip of my blade against his throat.

"Astrid there's something you should know..." He replied grabbing his sword knocking mine from my hands wrapping his legs around mine yanking me down. I grunted harshly seeing Pan now hovering above me holding the sword against my throat. "Peter Pan never fails. I do so enjoy a girl with fire though."

Keeping my gaze locked onto his green eyes the Lost boys and Henry had pretty much left us alone by this point. Seeing as it looked like their leader had won. Until I moved my left leg shoving my knee in between his legs making him collapse in the ground in pain. Getting to my feet as quickly as possible I grab a sword and started running as fast as my legs could carry me. Even though I had no clue what direction I was going it didn't matter so long as I made it out of his camp alive and managed to find my family or Rumple even. Jumping over a fallen tree my foot gets caught causing me to trip and roll down the hill.

I moaned in pain before somebody shoved their hand directly into my chest making me gasp sharply. Sitting up I frantically searched around finally seeing Pan leaning his back against a tree holding my beating red heart in his right hand with a smirk on his face. "This is my island princess. Nobody gets away unless I say so. Might as well come out and show yourself laddie."

Whipping my head around over my shoulder I gasped seeing Rumple walking out from behind a tree. He has dark black paint on one side of his face. Pan strides up yanking me to my feet holding a blade to my throat. His other arm holding me against his chest, still holding my heart in his hand tightly. "Rumple..." I struggle for breath trying to grab the dagger from Pan's hand but he doesn't budge. Rumple's brown eyes locked onto mine where I saw deep regret and anger in them for what Pan was doing to me.

Comments really appreciated

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