We're Discovered

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Rumple whipped his head around as I hold myself up weakly on my elbow still laying on the ground. "He crossed over the line. He crossed into Storybrooke."

My hair is wet from the rain as I lift myself up on my elbow laying on the black top blacktop. I try pushing myself up but I winced feeling blood coming out. Rumple bends down on a knee waving his hand that glowed purple healing it over softly. "There you go, Astrid. That'll take care of it."

"Now you'll know what happens when you fight a pirate, sweet blonde." Hook hollered as I saw Emma and our parents got out of the police car seeing our situation. "That's what you get for taking Milah from me, Crocodile!" He shouted to Rumple who walked over to the pirate.

Rumple suddenly smacked Hook onto the ground with his cane starting to choke him when I get to my feet. "You took her first." I draw my sword from my belt I walk over pressing it into Hook's arm.

"Gold, are you insane!" My sister shouted when my father rushed over trying to help pull him up before he killed the pirate.

"Yes, I am!" Rumple bared his teeth as I bend down holding my sword across Hook's throat.

Hook gasped as I pressed it down while he did with his cane making him choke but my father yanked my arm in an attempt to stop me from killing the pirate who attacked me. "Astrid, release the sword. You can't do this!"

"He shot me, dad!" Whipping my head up I shouted back while my sister managed to get Rumple off of Hook. Moving where he was the pirate gasped harsher for air while I stood above. An ambulance pulling up broke me from my current state allowing my father to pull me off of the pirate not killing him.

Moving away from his body I shoved my sword back into the holder on my hip hearing my mother explaining. "I've never seen him before."

"That's because he drove into town." Our father replied eyeing my direction beside Rumple.

Mom trailed off shacky. "From the outside?"

"Looks like the world just came to Storybrooke." My sister revealed locking eyes with me as I ball my hands into fists at my side. Still having blood on my fingertips.

Someone in the ambulance checked me out saying I was clear to go. Walking down the stairs Dr. Whale came rushing over to Rumple and I as we're about to leave. "Gold. You fixed me. Now fix him. It will take you seconds and cost you nothing."

"No." He simply replied.

Whale looked confused between the two of us. "No? Just... No?"

"I owe you nothing, Whale. I owe none of you anything. And some of you, owe me. So, yeah, just... No. Oh, and point of interest - the driver? He saw me throwing some magic." Rumple spoke pointing back at my arm that wasn't bleeding anymore. "So, instead of trying to get him out of here, you better be hoping he dies. Because if he doesn't, he's going to be driving tour buses up and down main street. So glad I don't give a damn."

Turning on my heels I followed him outside the hospital entering his shop seeing a wooden box sitting on the countertop. I almost opened the box until I heard someone standing behind us when I turned around to face a woman. She wore a long dress walking forward to us. "I wouldn't have expected you to have a thing for blonde's, Rumple."

"So she's Regina's mother...I'm Astrid Swan." I stick my hand out introducing myself to her."I'm Cora." She shook my head with a smile.

"Did you bring the antidote, too?" He scoffed thinking what was in the box was a trap.

Cora shakes her head. "Oh, Rumpel. It's a peace offering."

"And what do you want for this, uh... This peace offering?" He questioned her.

The woman smiled tilting her head acting like they wanted the same thing. "My daughter. You were so clever to get her to lay the curse so you could come here. You don't need her anymore. Let me try to get her back and let us live."

"So exactly is in the box then?" I finally entered the conversation lifting the lid off the box. Revealing a white globe inside the bottom of it.

Rumple eyes his ex lover when she nods towards the box. "Your son."

"It'll find him... If this one truly is it." He was still skeptical of what she was offering.

Rumple rests a hand on my shoulder seeing I am still unsure of what it's supposed to do for him. "It can show where my son is. Through my blood dear."

Cora explains before shaking his hand and vanishing from the pawnshop. "I want you to find the one person in this universe who might still love you. After all, I'm doing the same thing."

He lifted it out of the box sitting it on top of the countertop. Pricking his finger then dropping blood onto the globe. The globe created a red map with a spot that was brighter than the rest marking where his son was located in the world outside of Storybrooke. "So that's the trip you've been talking about hmm."

Draping my arms around his neck he nodded. "I have to leave Storybrooke to find my son, Baelfire. But you can't come this is my mission."

"Yeah that's never happening, Rumple." I shake my head no waving my index finger in front of his face. "You're going into let's call it my realm. Where you won't have magic anymore. So you'll need your guide."

Rumpe leans forward kissing me slowly and I kissed back until we made the trip back to my parents apartment because he wasn't waiting any longer. "Astrid, Gold. We've all had a long night." My sister answered the door clearly tired.

"You remember that favour you owe me, Miss Swan?" He had made a deal with her to help Cinderella keep her child while still under the curse.
She nodded so he added onto his question. "I'm cashing it in."

My sister flickered her gaze between us both. "It's not... A good..."

"You do honour your agreements, don't you? I need to find someone, so we're leaving today. Pack your bag." Rumple instructed her resting both hands on his cane.

Our mother walked around the counter staring directly at me. "Leaving?"

"Yes, we're looking for his son. He was transported outside of Storybrooke." I spoke tucking hair behind my ear seeing dad giving me a look of disapproval at what that means.

Emma crossed her arms over her chest not knowing who we were talking about. "Wait. Find someone? Who?"

"My son. It has to be today, because every minute I'm here, is a minute closer to me killing Hook. So it's really best for all concerned if I leave, and you're going to come with me. We'll see you at noon." Rumple finished the explanation opening the door allowing me to leave first.

Gripping the handle of the sword on my hip I throw my head back sighing. "It's a shame though. When we're in my world I can't shut someone up by pointing a sword at them." Glancing up to Rumple he just smiled draping an arm over my shoulder.

"Don't worry lass. Once we get back I'll teach you how to use it better." He smiled kissing my forehead walking down the stairs. "And a little magic too, Princess."

Comments really appreciated

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