Love is the most powerful magic of all

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Shooting awake up in the bed holding my stomach with my hands tightly. Frantically looking around I gasped. Fumbling over to my nightstand I dialed the first phone number I could think of. "Em, ah! I need your help. The baby..."

"Ast, what's wrong?" Even though she wasn't happy I used the sword to save her life and made her a Dark One she still cared about me.

It had been a few months since I had told her and Rumple the truth. Throwing my head back against the pillows I gripped the phone in my hand. "I think the baby's coming. I....ohhh. I need Rumple."

"I'll come get you." She said quickly.

Biting my lip I drew blood feeling contractions. My heart was beating faster. "Emma, there's no need. I can just magic there....ah what the hell?" Looking down to my arm I gasped seeing some dark veins rising up through my veins.

"Astrid, tell me. What's going on!" My sister declared through the phone hearing the panic in my voice. We could always tell the difference in the other person's voice when we were terrified. Before she gave birth to Henry I visited her in jail and could see she was horrified.

Tossing the covers aside I stumbled out of the bed. Standing on my feet I winced holding a hand over my heart feeling it burning in pain. "Emma, I need Rumple. Ohhh! Call - call Ashley. Whoever she's going by. Cinderella!"

"Okay I'm calling her right now." Emma hung up where I stumbled down the stairs in my sleep clothes trying to not panic. Leaning against the wall I knew that Ashly or Ella would be there for me just like my sister.

Walking into Ashly's hospital room Emma said I should be the one to tell her we convince Gold to let her keep her child. Shutting the door behind me I smiled seeing her holding her daughter. "Hey, how's she doing. What's her name?"

"Alexandra. Sean came to see her." Her smile dropped thinking back to Gold and their deal. "Will he be taking her from me now?"

Sitting down on the edge of her bed I placed a hand on her leg. "Nope. Emma and I got him to let you keep her. My sister will owe him a favor but it doesn't matter as long as you're happy."

"Thank you, thank you both so much." She began crying, bouncing her baby girl in her arms.

Sending her a grin I tilted my head sensing she had more to say. "What is it, Ashly?"

"I noticed Emma, your sister said she had a kid. But you don't. I just thought that if you ever have children I'll be there for you." The blonde grinned and we would later learn she was Cinderella. "You and Emma gave me a chance to raise my child. And that is something I will never forget."

Sniffing through tears I didn't expect that from the single mother. "Awe thank you, Ashly. I will remember that. You have my word."

The blonde princess pulled up outside my house and her husband Thomas came inside seeing that I was holding my stomach. Throwing my head back I winced sharply. "Sean!"

"Did someone call a prince to the rescue? Come on, we'll get you to the hospital." He wrapped his arms around my waist lifting me up bridal style carrying me out to his truck.

Ashly was in the front passenger seat holding her daughter in her lap. But she reached behind the seat taking my hand in hers. "It's going to be okay. Emma said she is going to get Rumple."

"Okay..." I nodded, biting my lip, shutting my eyes as we flee to the hospital which thankfully wasn't far in the small formerly cursed town. Once we were there her prince came back with a wheelchair and the nurse got a room ready.

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