He's My Life

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Foosteps approached us so we broke the kiss seeing Regina who bawled her hands into fists at her sides. "You Charming's can't let me have happiness can you!"

Blinking the sleep from my eyes I was woke from my deep sleep by the sound of weapons and boots hitting the ground in a quick fashion. Robin and I shared a tent since he insisted it was too dangerous for me to walk alone at night. I haven't spoken to Regina since she saw me and Robin kiss last night. She just might kill me if she got the chance. Pushing the flap open I gasped rushing forward in between Rumple and Robin with his loaded crossbow aimed at him. "Woah, woah. Robin you can't shoot him!"

Foosteps approached for me to see his little son drop his sticks scared. "Daddy!"

"Don't! Please!" I begged my lover whipping my head to give him puppy dog eyes.

"I don't want to. I really don't. Come closer, little boy." He magically forces Roland forward. He then uses magic to push the boy into the ground.

Roland cried. "Daddy! Help!"

Waving my right hand I pointed the tip of my sword into Rumple's neck. "Fight her Rumple. If she wants a heart. Give her mine..spare his child." Rumple sucked in a breath not changing his position.

"I didn't want to do this either." Robin shoots his arrow; only for Rumple to
magically catch it in mid-air. He then turns the arrow in Roland's direction.

Stepping closer I press my blade tightly against his throat hearing him grunt still not dropping his hand. "It never misses its target. And I've just changed the target. If I drop my finger..."

The other Merry Men attempt to come forward, only for Rumple to freeze them into place. "Wait! Wait." Robin begged digging the heart out from hiding underneath a tree handing it over to him.

"Thank you. And I am sorry." He sends the arrow flying until it is inches from Roland before it drops.

Rumple and I locked gazes before I bared my teeth to the man I love. I saw some blood from where I had cut him with my sword secounds ago. "Take me to her right now, Dark One. I wanna lay my blade into her chest!" Rumple waved his hand engulfing us in a cloud of purple smoke until we returned to the old farm house she was keeping him.

"Astrid you need to get out of here-" Rumple begged me still holding the heart in his hand until it magically gets into Zelena's hand behind me.

"Come for another beating little Charming?" She teased when I spun around on my feet.

Getting in a fighting stance I gripped the sword in my hands. "Why is it so important that Rumple doesn't stop you. What do you want with him exactly?"

"That's none of your business." She snapped stepping closer to me

Knitting my brows together I could see an odd expression on her face. Glancing over my shoulder to Rumple I snapped my fingers thinking something crazy. "You love him. That's why you want him all to yourself."

"It's fine dearie. I have that affect on women. I won Emma's sister after all." Zelena rolls her eyes at Rumple's chuckling in amusement.

"Stop talking. That's not the reason." She raises the dagger out making Rumple bend his head down like he was a dog.

Glaring towards her I take a swing for her but she grabbed the end of my blade yanking me in her face. "If you wish to know so badly ill show you. It doesn't matter anyway. You'll be dead when this is done." She grabbed my chin in her freehand engulfing me in a cloud of green dust where I collapse onto the grass.

"The Dark Curse is the only way." My father spoke since they had traveled to see the good witch for answers.

Regina throws her arms up frustrated at the situation.
"Haven't you been listening? I can't cast it."

"But someone else can." He trailed off.

"Who?" My mother and I asked in unison seeing his gaze had fallen on us.

My father slowly walked over takingher hands in his. "You. It's the only way. You can use my heart to cast the curse. We have to think of our child."

"Our child needs you. I need you. We'll find another way. We always find another way." My mother started crying wrapping her arms around his neck. Turning on my heels I jumped on the closet horse riding off into the middle of the woods crying. Falling from my horse into the mud I gasped through tears until I felt someone watching me.

"Oh forgive me. I'm Zelena. I must say I wish my sister was suffering like you." I saw the wicked witch leaning against a tree watching me.

Getting to my feet I drew my sword I tried attacking her but she grabbed my sword melting it with her fight. "You're making me mother have to kill my father!"

"Well you're suffering shall be short. You see I have a plan to make the Dark One suffer...through you." She shoved her hand inside my chest making me gasp pulling it out. "When I crush your heart he will feel your pain and then he and everyone else in this realm wouldn't be able to stop me. Because they won't remember any of this."

Raising my hand I created a fireball to throw at her but she squeezed my heart. Gasping for air I collapse on my hands and knees. Clutching where my heart was I started crying when she gave it one finally squeezing tightly. "They'll stop you...good always wins!"

"Maybe so. But you won't be able to warm them. Sweet dreams princess Charming." Zelena clutched my heart turning it into dust with my eyes falling closed. Inside Rumple's castle he gripped the bars feeling pain in his chest suddenly.

He yanked his heart from his chest quickly placing a spell over it before he felt you completely die. "Astrid..."

Comments really appreciated ❤️

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