Dark Princess

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Black liquid gue dropped down from my body where I frantically looked around seeing that I was back in what looked to be the Enchanted Forest once more. Putting my hands on my belly I felt the baby kick against me. "It's alright little one. We'll figure this out - who's there?"

"Ah we finally meet, golden princess. I knew you wouldn't be able to resist me forever." Spinning around on my feet I came into contact with the enchanted version of my husband. He was dressed in his snake skin leather clothes smirking directly at me.

Glaring at the figure of my husband. "You gave me no choice. I wasn't going to let my sister get consumed by you. I know you're the voice of the Dark One. I just don't understand how the hell I could see you before now."

"Correct you are, dearie. What you and the weaker version of me didn't realize is that when he split his heart to save you, he placed part of his darkness inside you. Now, Rumplestiltskin is but one of many. Perhaps I can be another. How about Gorgon the Invincible?" He suddenly turned into a fire breathing bear where I ducked seeing him turn back human. "Yes, probably easier this way. Now, are you ready to begin?"

Picking up the ends of the cloak so I didn't trip I started walking away from him. If I could get to Merlin than I could get rid of this power for good and find a way back home to Storybrooke. "It was nice talking to you but I am not embracing the darkness."

"Ah, they all say that. Everyone who steps from this well enjoys the taste too much. The only way to stop is to be stopped. This is the fate of all Dark Ones." Rumple raised his voice pointing towards the round platform near us.

Stomping up to him even though he was just the voice in my head I clutched my hands into fists at my sides. "You're wrong, Dark One. I managed to show Rumple the light and he would never let me go down the dark road. So I will never embrace his powers."

"We shall see, dearie. We shall see." He smirked disappearing when I started walking away from the well praying that Rumple back home would get better. My boots were crunching leaves as I tried to figure out what direction I was going. My mother was supposed to be a great tracker and unfortunately I wasn't like that. "That maple tree ahead, we've passed it three times already. You're going around in circles, Dearie. Now I can help you, if you let me."

"I'm not using dark magic. Weren't you listening earlier you annoying imp!" Rolling my eyes I huffed wanting him to shut up.

Rumplestiltskin spoke up. "I didn't say it was going to use magic. If you want to find Merlin, just ask, and find him you shall."

"You're talking about transportation spells. I already know how to do that." Flipping my hair around I huffed, slumping my shoulders.

He smiled putting his finger tips together. "Excellent. Imagine a mirrored lake. A tall tree with low-hanging branches that loom over it. Above it, a beautiful blue sky. Now picture it in your mind's eye. Picture it clearly...I am impressed you are the only person who already has been trained in magic."

Closing my eyes I concentrated before I opened my eyes again seeing I was near a lake and the tree he explained where I ran my hands through my hair. "You've got to be kidding me. You tricked me into using magic."

"Of course I did! I'm a Dark One!" He smiled brightly where I gave him the middle finger stomping away through the trees. Walking through the woods I saw someone wearing a black hood snatching a blue creature that the mind version of Rumple had called a Wisp. Moving through the trees I raised my hand accidentally throwing her onto her back.

The figure got up removing the hood where I saw a girl with curly red locks and drew a bow and arrow directly at me. "Back off, lassie. My aim is true. Don't test me."

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