A Fairytale Come True

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"Astrid Swan, I love you. I'll love you until I die. So I stand before you asking will you marry me?" I fling my arms around his neck kissing him deeply. "Yes, yes, yes. Of course I will. I love you Rumplestiltskin!"

Today is the day I play the princess I was born to be. My true love might not be an actual prince but he has won my heart which is enough for me. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if Henry hadn't shown up to our apartment so long ago. If he hadn't I wouldn't have met Rumple or finally met our parents. Everything would have been different. So I am grateful that he changed our lives. Staring down at the golden crown from the Enchanted Forest I sighed sitting it on my head before the bedroom door opened showing my mother and my sister grinning ear to ear. "Oh sweetheart. I can't believe this day is finally here. I'm gonna cry."

Wrapping my arms around my mother I sighed starting to cry happ tears too. She wrapped her arms around me smiling and kissing my head until my sister came over hugging me before pulling out my wedding dress. "I picked up the dress in the exact detail that you asked for."

Hanging the white dress on the door I covered my mouth with my hands grinning. The long train is covered with lace and the front was a little shorter so I wouldn't trip on it. It is short sleeve and lace was scattered across the front. Changing into the dress I picked up the train doing a light spin in front of my family. "I can't believe my little sister is getting married before me. You're so beautiful!" My sister cried happy tears.

The door gently opened with my father entered dressed in a black tux almost in tears immediately. He wrapped me in a gentle hug kissing my forehead. "My little princess. Gosh you're beautiful. I uh - gosh I thought I wasn't gonna cry."

"It's okay dad. Just please don't make me cry." I chuckled wrapping him in a hug before we looped arms walking through the door coming outside underneath Granny's sign heading towards the clock tower. Intertwining my right hand with my father's I smiling keeping my eyes trained forward. Regina had gathered everyone in town to stand in rows underneath the clock tower. There's lights hanging underneath the door but when my eyes met Rumple's I pictured so much more.

He was dressed in a black suit and a red tie grinning directly at me. The wind blows through my loose hair where I imagined that we were inside my parents castle where they got married. Finally reaching my soon to be husband my father rests a hand on his shoulder saying. "Take care of her Gold."

"I love you sweetheart." He turned to me kissing my forehead placing my hand in Rumple's.

"I love you too daddy." I smiled watching him sit down before Regina stepped up preforming the ceremony at my mother's request.

She placed her hands on top of our intertwined ones mirroring our smiles. "We are here today to unite these two together. Astrid and Rumple are complete opposites but yet they are so much better together than apart. I have known Rumple longer than her but I am suprised that she actually showed him such love. But enough about me these two have decided to write their own vows."

"Astrid, before the curse I was against the idea of love. Believing that it was weakness and that no one could ever truly love me. And then I met you. You changed my life for the better and I am grateful for your love." He sniffed through tears a smile plastered on his face. "I promise to be the best husband that I can. There will hard days but I will do my best to treat you like the princess you are. I love you with all my heart."

Reaching up I wiped away some tears squeezing his hands holding mine. "Rumplestiltskin, I love you too. I am forever grateful that my visions led me to you. Because you not only helped me find the family my sister and I have been searching for 28 years. I just had no idea that I would find the love of my life alongside them. So today I get to finally be the man I have waiting for." Glancing over to my parents who are in tears. Henry is taking pictures on his phone beside my sister who is almost sobbing happily too.

"Here we go then. Do you Rumple take Astrid to be your loving wife as long as you both shall live?" Regina asked staring at the man who taught her everything about magic.

"I do." He replied never taking his brown eyes off of me.

She turned to me smiling softly asking the same question. "Astrid do you take Rumple to be your loving husband as long as you both shall live?"

"I do, always." Rumple's grin grew at my words when he waited to kiss me.

"By the power vested in me as the mayor of this town. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Regina declared before Rumple cupped my face pressing his lips onto mine deeply. Wrapping my arms around his neck I kissed back running my fingers through his hair hearing cheering behind us. "Ladies and gentlemen I present to you Mr and Mrs. Rumple and Astrid Gold."

The wedding chapter is done ya'll enjoy

Comments really appreciated

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