Magic is Real

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"Astrid....Astrid wake up...wake up!" Someone called out to me where I sat up seeing I am laying in a hospital bed but no one else is here. Glancing around I see Gold standing before me wearing his leather clothing but he looks like an ordinary human. "Why I am I here. What happened?" He stepped forward sitting on the end of the bed. "You shouldn't have ate the apple it was posion." Rolling my eyes towards the man in my dreamscape I scoffed. "I couldn't let my sister go under the idea that Regina wants her dead. I only wish Henry didn't pay the price either." Gold reaches up resting a hand to my cheek and I leaned into his touch. Henry said that this curse would make you see what you regret but I don't think it's working for me exactly. "Sweetheart, I need you to do something for me until I can handle this situation. I need you to fight. I need you to keep yourself alive on the outside for me. Can you do that please Astrid." Nodding my head I put my hand over his trying to remember him like this is I was to die. "I'll try my best, Rumple."

Rumple's POV
The door to my shop opens and I see Emma and Regina walk inside concerned looks on their faces. Bawling my hands into fists I glared towards the queen knowing she had poisoned Astrid. "We need your help." Emma begged when I give a nod glaring to the other woman in the room. "Indeed you do. It seems a tragic fate has befallen our young friend and your sister. I told you magic comes with a price." Regina mumbled under her breath. "Henry shouldn't have to pay it." Raising a finger to her I barked back baring my teeth. "No you should. I told you that you didn't have to poison her but you did it anyway-" Regina cuts me off trying to start a fight. "I didn't except her and Henry to eat it you idiot!" Waving my finger in front of her face I clicked my tongue until Emma leans forward on the glass counter. "How do I save my sister and Henry?" She sniffs through tears before I started explaining the magic I had. "True love, Ms. Swan. The only magic powerful enough to transcend realms and break any curse. Luckily for you and your sister, I happen to have bottled some. From strands of your parent's hair. I made the most powerful potion in all the realm. So powerful that when I created the Dark Curse, I placed a drop on the scroll just a little safety valve."

"That's why I'm the savior. That's why my sister and I can break the curse." Emma blurted out finally putting the pieces together. "I don't care about breaking the curse. All I care about is saving Astrid and Henry." Tilting my head to the side I reassured her there's still a chance. I couldn't tell her that Astrid won't wake up without True loves kiss but it wouldn't be from me. We haven't known each other that long for any love to happen, but she is the light to my darkness. Regina scoffed wanting to get on with it. "Where is this magic?" Emma questioned making me smirk towards the queen. "Tell me your majesty, is our friend still in the basement?" Regina couldn't believe my question. "You twisted little imp. You hide it with her!" I must say I am rather enjoying this moment and the look on her face. "Oh no, no. Not with her. In her. I knew you couldn't resist bringing her over." Emma broke the fun moments for me still confused. "Who is her?" Dusting off the long case in front of me I lift the lid revealing to her. "What is that?" She asked mouth hung open to my reply. "Your father's sword." Regina stayed for a moment where I death glared her intensely. "If Astrid dies I'm going to make you suffer, your majesty!" She just spun on her feet following Emma.

Emma's POV
Climbing out of the elevator Gold had tied Regina up and took the magic with him. I can't believe my sister trusted him with her heart. Rushing into the hospital room her and Henry lay asleep hooked up to machines. A nurse started unplugged Henry's stuff as I stared at my sister. Her hair falling everywhere where she peacefully sleeps. Leaning down I grab her hand in mine already crying. "I'm sorry, sis. I'm sorry I didn't believe you. You have always been the stronger one of us I thought. Because you never gave up on hope. I'm only sorry I couldn't save you. I love you, Astrid." Moving over to Henry's bed I leaned down whispering before I kissed his forehead saying goodbye. "I love you, Henry." Pulling away a sudden wind of rainbow energy blows over us and he gasped. "I love you too. You saved me." Flickering my eyes up to my sister's bed she gasped shooting up into a sitting position. "Emma..." I rushed over flinging my arms around her crying.

Astrid's POV
Slowly wrapping my arms around my sister's arm I bury my face into her leather jacket. Pulling away I wiped away tears looking around at everyone staring at us. "Henry. What happened?" I trailed off knowing the boy would have the answer. "The curse is broken." Swinging myself from the bed I felt something running through my veins where I reached for the dagger necklace laying on the table. Until a nurse dropped her tray whipping my head around towards the window I could see a purple dust coming towards us. Stumbling backwards I grab the necklace causing some sort of gold dust to swirl around my body. Opening my eyes I ended up in the woods standing directly in front of Rumplestiltskin. "Astrid, you're alive!" He croaked out letting some tears fall. I slowly run to his arms wrapping my arms around his neck and he hugged me back until I broke the hug. "What just happened. How did I just transport here?" He rests a hand to my cheek seeing a golden light coming from my other hand. "Through your magic. I brought it here." Blinking my eyes I grip his suit coming to the realization that I could finally find my parents after 28 years. "Rumple, I - I have to find my parents." He tucks hair behind my ear intertwining my hand with his starting to walk back I town. "Don't worry, princess. You'll find them."

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