You're the Dark One

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"Rumple, you don't have to give me anymore gifts. I may be a princess but not here." I explained back while he was leading me through the large house we had rented.

He had one hand on my back making me keep my eyes closed. I heard him open a set of doors before he squeezed my shoulder telling me to look. "You'll like it, have I ever steered you wrong before?"

Slowly opening my eyes I sucked in a breath seeing a tiny crib in front of us. The side of it had some blue colors on it with dragons on it. Lifting my head up I sniffled some happy tears seeing that the glass unicorn chandelier hanging above it. It used to be hanging in his shop the last time I saw it when we were both dying from the poison Hook had given us. "You brought the unicorns here. But we don't know the gender yet. Uh never mind I can't believe you did this." Flinging my arms around his neck I hugged him gently.

"Ah darling. Whether it is a boy or girl we can fix that little detail later. All that concerns me at this moment is your happiness about the little surprise." He responded by moving one hand through my loose hair.

Breaking the hug I left my arms draped over his shoulders looking up into the deep brown eyes. "Well I am very thankful for what you did. It's sweet. Now what are we going to name the little one that is pushing on my bladder hmm?"

"It's your decision, love. My first wife got to name my first born. So the same will happen for you. All I care about is seeing you happy. Because as I have said you are the light of my life." Rumple declared moving a hand to cradle my cheek.

Leaning forward I kissed him slowly where he tugged me closer to his chest as much as my stomach would allow. "No such thing as darkness shall tear us apart."

Standing over my husband's sleeping body I had finally found the way to wake him from his coma. My hair was in a braid falling down my back that I had done in a French braid. I was wearing a gray pointy crown on top of my head. Shrugging on a black leather jacket over a red long sleeved shirt. Wearing some ripped blue jeans and some ankle black boots. "He will be relieved to see what you have become, dark princess. That you have embraced the darkness."

"I only embraced it to protect the people I love. Now be quiet." Lifting my gaze up I noticed that an enchanted mind Rumple was standing beside my husband's head while he slept on the bed that I had created in a cave in the house that we had bought. Holding the sword that he had before he became the Dark One I crushed it in my hands where it fell down onto his body.

My soulmate blinked his eyes a few times looking around slowly, completely confused. He slowly sat up on the bed seeing that I was standing over him wearing an outfit for a Dark One. ""What do you want from me? You are the Dark One now, not me."

"That's right. You are not dark. You are also not light. You are nothing. Your heart is a blank slate. And that, little man, makes you useful. Because now I can make you into the last thing you ever thought you would be. A hero. And not just any hero. The purest who's ever lived. and then...and then I have a job for you." Bending down on my knees I moved to sit down at his bedside needing to explain.

He scanned over my facial expression and he reached up pointing up at me with his index finger. "Astrid, tell me what on Earth has happened to you. I don't understand I was dying...when did you get a hold of the darkness?"

"I did it to save my sister. The darkness was pulled from you and it was going to take over Regina so before my sister could step up and become the Dark One, I did. Observe, my love." Opening my right hand a puff of red smoke appears and disappears revealing the dagger in my fingers.

Rumple shook his head reading my name across the blade. His gaze fell down to my growing stomach, noticing that it was much bigger than he had previously realized. "Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry....wait I don't understand then what do you need me to do. I don't have magic anymore."

"Like I said, I need a hero to pull out the sword. Here, let me." I waved my hand creating his cane and offering him my freehand to help him stand.

He grunted leaning on the cane, eyeing the large rock that had the sword from the story of King Arthur and the knights of the round table that was in the middle of the room. "Astrid, I can't be a hero. And this town is full of other heroes. Why don't you just use one of them. I am also concerned with the baby. When I was in the coma you weren't as far along as you are now."

"I suppose the dark magic speeds it up a little bit. Now the reason I don't use my sister or somebody else is because every single one of them has a hint of darkness inside them. But you don't have either light or dark inside you since the hat striped your heart." Walking up to I grasped my freehand in his meeting the brown orbs of his.

He removed his hand from mine, resting it against my cheek where I leaned into his touch. Placing my hand over his on my cheek I smiled. "I never wanted this to happen to you. I...I thought the Snow Queen's mirror was a lie. I am truly sorry about this, lass."

"It's not your fault. I know you had intentions to protect me and this baby. So that is why I am trusting you with this.." Holding up the dagger I dropped his freehand pushing the dagger into his palm.

He closed his fingers around the handle of the blade re-reading my name engraved there. "Why me, love. I mean surely you trust you're sister Emma or somebody else more me?"

"I did once. But when you were the Dark One I never controlled you with it. Now I am asking you to give me the same courtesy." Brushing the hair from his eyes he sniffed some tears until I called, never breaking my gaze away from him. "Merida!"

Rumple saw a girl with curly red hair wearing a bow over her shoulder come inside the cave room. "Yes, Dark One?"

"Get him out of my sight. Take him to the woods and begin." I instructed her watching my husband's gaze shutter out some tears.

Merida asked me with a scoff. "How long do you think you can hold my heart and threaten me?"

"As long as it takes me to get what I want." I mutter back watching Rumple move towards the wall with his cane.

Merida attempts to move forwards but I spin around revealing her heart in my hand. "Maybe. But I'm thinking I can break your spell!"

"Now take him to the woods... and make me a hero." I bared my teeth clutching it in between my fingers hearing the heart beating. Glancing over my shoulder back to my husband he had a look of horror plastered on his face before I waved my hand transposing the, to the middle of the woods.

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