Henry's Theory About Fate

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Wrapping my coat tight around me I entered Granny's seeing Henry already waiting in a booth with two hot chocolate on the table. Handing Granny the money I slide in the other side to face him. He immediately reached into his bag pulling out the storybook he always carries around. Along with some folded up pieces of paper that looked like they came from a different old book. "So why did you want to talk to me. Do you believe yet?" He asked egaer to have just one person not call him crazy even though Regina wants him to forget the book all together. "I uh - I wanted to talk to you about some - dreams I've had. Or at least I think they're dreams." He nodded picking up the new story pages flipping two of them over so I could see the drawings. Sucking in a breath I felt a chill run down my spine because they looked exactly like the dream worlds I have seen with Rumplestiltskin. "I couldn't understand how these just suddenly appeared in my bag after you radioed me. Until now I think the curse is trying to point you in a direction." Running a hand through my hair I sighed slumping my shoulders. "In the direction of what exactly. A ticket to crazy town or something...ugh I didn't mean to say that kid." He gives me a small smile snapping his fingers seeing something. "Where'd you get that necklace?"

Lifting it out from my coat I show him the necklace I was given the day we arrived here by Mr. Gold. "From Gold. Why is there a picture of it?" He shakes his head no flipping through pages of the storybook he finally lifted it around so I could see another picture. He was right on the money because the picture was a detailed dagger with the name Rumplestiltskin engraved into it. "Your necklace is in the exact same shape as his Dark One dagger. So I think the curse must have created the jewelry for some reason. Do you remember where he got it from inside his shop?" Henry eyed me sternly hoping for an answer while I tapped my fingers on the table trying to think back about a few months ago. "He pulled back a painting from the wall. I think it was the one near the register." Henry slides out of the booth grabbing his things. "Come on we've gotta check it out." Jumping to my feet I grab his backpack holding him still. "Woah hold up. That would be trust passing. You're mother's the sheriff now and I don't think she'll want to lock you up. Besides you have school." He dropped his head when I squeeze his shoulder walking him to the bus. "Hey we can talk about this later. Just have a good day at school okay." He waved bye getting on the bus.

"Oh how nice of you to walk him to school, Ms. Astrid." Turning my head in the direction of the voice I see Mr. Gold walking up wearing some sunglasses holding something behind his back. Putting my hands in the pockets of my coat I saw a man selling flowers chasing after his truck down the street glaring at our direction. "You don't have a weapon behind your back do you, Gold?" I asked taking a step away from him when he moved his sunglasses up on his head and I met the same brown eyes of the Rumplestiltskin inside my head. He chuckled giving me a smile revealing a rose I'm his other hand. "No, no, weapon. But a question. Would you allow me to take you to dinner tonight. Unless you already have plans I completely understand?" Tonight was Valentines day and I wasn't really planning on do anything. I take the rose from him with a small smile. "I'd love to. I do have a question for you though. Why me, exactly?" Gold started walking back towards his shop calling over his shoulder. "I like you, Astrid. There's a light in you and I need a little in my life. I'll pick you up tonight at the inn." Turning on my heels I kept doing my morning walking until I felt a headache coming on for no reason. "Trust in your instincts, Lady Astrid. Trust in your instincts." Grabbing my head I heard the voice of Rumplestiltskin speaking to me. Stopping in my step I try and gesb onto something but I black out outside of Granny's diner.

I squinted one eye barely open to see I'm laying on the couch the next morning in the police station. Mr. Gold is inside a prison cell as Regina came to sit on the arm not noticing that I was awake because he doesn't give her a sign that I am. Closing my eyes I see flashes of me and Rumplestiltskin staring at each other longly leaning in about to kiss until Regina's voice broke me from the trance. "Tell me your name." Mr. Gold answered her finally after seconds of silence. "Rumplestiltskin..." I heard her foosteps leave the room where he whispered under his breath. "She's gone now dearie. You can stop playing dead." Lifting my head up I hold myself up by my elbows glaring at the man or should I say Beast I have no clue at the moment. "You lied to me or at least I think you did. I mean you honestly can't be - Rumplestiltskin..." Suddenly pain shoots through my head again where I flopped back on the couch seeing those enchanted woods again with the declared Dark One.

"Back so soon, dearie." He giggled when I shot up awake laying on the dirt ground. "Not by choice. Why does my mind keep doing this!" I shouted up to the man wanting to stop losing my mind. Rumplestiltskin seems to not be fazed at my outburst when he just offered me his freehand. Reluctantly I let him pull me up to stand on my feet. A light white dress with a golden trim at the bottom falls down to my feet. My hair is loose as I spun in a tiny circle having to admit I like this dress more than the golden one. "Yep I am losing it because there's no way I would own a dress like this. My mind is letting me pretend to be a princess as a 28 year old woman." Rumple clapped his hands slowly together shaking his head. Whipping my head around I get pulled up against his chest like I saw in an earlier vision. My eyes flickered to his lips and he does the same starting to lean in. Jerking my head back I push my hands against his chest stopping him. "This isn't real. I'm going insane that's it. I mean I hit my head on the sidewalk so I have a concussion right?" Rumple reached up resting a hand to my cheek leaning finally pressing his lips onto mine.

I gasped clutching the fabric of his leather jacket in my hands. Every instinct in my head is telling me to kick him between his legs and run. Yet I felt myself slowly kissing him back. His other hand rests on my waist until I broke the kiss bending my head down blushing. "No. No I shouldn't have done that." Rumple moved hair from out of my eyes giving me a gentle look in those deep brown eyes of his. "You're not crazy my dear. You're much smarter than your sister because you still hold onto belief like that boy." Rolling my eyes I pull myself out of his hold but he holds me still intertwining my hands with his. "You Astrid are destined for more than your sister." Raising a brow I don't understand what he meant. "What destiny. The curse Henry always talks about?" He nodded yes revealing the dagger necklace from my shirt. "Go searching for this dagger and it all will become clear. Now please dearie follow your instincts this time." He waved his right hand knocking me out onto the ground softly.

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