Storybrooke Isn't His Kingdom

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Our group stands outside the vault all concerned with what Pan would do with this curse. "You must destroy the scroll. Both yours and his curses shall be ended, but know this-there will be a price; a steep one." Rumple explained moving towards Regina.

"W-what do you suggest?" She questioned him.

Rumple points to Henry in Pan's body. "Instead of going to him, bring him to us with a spell." Regina gives him a confused look when he kept going. "One that will return Pan and Henry to their own bodies."

"If I'm back in my own body, that means I'll have the scroll. I can bring it to you guys." Henry grinned.

"Exactly right, Henry." Rumple nodded.

Regina scoffed shaking her head no. "Even you aren't powerful enough to cast such a spell."

"Well, given the proper tool, I could be." Rumple shrugged his shoulders eyeing the fairy from Neverland.

Tinker Bell responded to him. "The Black Fairy's wand. One of the most powerful fairies that ever existed. Well-versed in dark magic. The Blue Fairy exiled her, but before she did, she took her wand."

"I assume our dearly departed Mother Superior has it hidden in her residence." Rumple replied with my father nodding in agreement on the plan.

Rumple grabbed his cane making our way back to his pawnshop. "Then it's settled. The rest of us should get back to my shop and prepare Henry for the spell."

Standing inside the pawnshop my sister was watching my mother who held a hand on one of the glass unicorns on the moblie. "This mobile hung above your cribs." Emma looks confused. "Uh, um, it was supposed to hang over your cribs."

"I like the unicorns." All three of us smiled.

Mom looked at the ground sadly then stared back at us. "Giving you both up when the curse hit was the hardest thing I ever had to do. Every time I look at you two, I wonder what would have happened if I hadn't had to."

"I do the same thing with Henry." My sister replied.

Mom smiled at her taking each of our hands in hers.
"You were doing your best. You were giving him-"

"His best chance." Emma cut her off with a sigh. "Yeah. But still, things would have been very different I had kept him. We would have had a life together. A normal one."

Slipping my hand from our mothers I walked over to Rumple seeing him still studying a spellbook but he finally lifted his eyes up to mine when I asked. "Is there anyway I can help with..." I wave my fingers around knowing he would understand I'm talking about magic.

"There's something I need you to do. Follow me lass." We entered the back room leaving us alone where he rests his hand over my heart looking for my concent. "Once Pan is in his body he will most likely come after you. I need to remove yours to form a protection spell just in case."

Nodding my head slowly he shoved his hand inside my chest pulling it out where I gasped leaning towards him. He holds my shoulder helping me sit down before he waved his freehand over it. My heart turned gold for a second then returned to its normal color. "You're going to kill Pan though right. Or at the very least I wouldn't mind putting my sword into him." I threatened up to him.

"You needn't do that, Astrid. I don't wish for you to ever fall down the path I choose." He replied gently putting my heart back inside my chest seeing me pouting at the floor. "What's wrong love?"

Running my fingers through my hair I slumped my shoulders remembering Pan's words in Skull rock. "One follows the light and the other falls down into the darkness...Pan said that to me. I think he was talking about me..."

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