The Price of a Yellow Flower

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Teleporting into the middle of the woods where I had sent Merida and Rumple I found him messing around with the end of my necklace in his bound hands with some rope. Peaking around one of the trees I met his gaze. "I know you're there, Astrid. You aren't very good at lurking in the shadows."

"Maybe I wasn't trying too." I walked out into the open tucking hair behind my ear walking over to him. "I told Merida to wait in the cave so that we could talk privately."

He sat the necklace in his lap eyeing me up and down where I could see regret in the brown orbs. "Tell me about how this happened. You are the strongest person I know. So how did this happen to you?"

"I already told you why, it was to save your life." Moving forward I sat down on the log beside him placing my hand on his knees making him actually look me in the eye for the first time. "But you are right that I haven't told you everything about what happened while you were in the coma."

He reaches over grasping my hand in his. "You can tell me anything, love. You know that will never change no matter who holds the darkness inside them. So if you have something to tell me you know you can."

"I might not be the only one with dark magic in this town..." I trailed off hearing someone coming through the tree line where I created a fireball hollering out. "Show yourself now or pay the price!"

The figure appears from behind a set of trees where I saw my sister coming towards us lowering her handgun seeing that it was just the two of us. "Astrid..Gold, I don't want to hurt you two."

"I don't have my power anymore, Ms. Swan." He shrugged his shoulders, rising to his feet slowly behind me.

Lowering the fireball in my hand it disappeared in between my fingers eyeing my sister. We hadn't spoken since I had brought everyone back from the missing time that they had in their memories. But she couldn't know what I had done to her. "Em, how did you find us out here. I spelled this sight with my magic?"

"I don't know, I just had one of my bad feelings about it. Astrid, is your nose supposed to be bleeding?" She asked, concerned stepping towards me.

Raising my hand under my nose I gasped feeling a tightness in my chest at the same time. My vision started to blur in front of me when I took a step towards my sister. "Rumple...." I collapsed into their arms when they both went to catch my limp body.

"Astrid!" Rumple cried out holding my face in one of his hands with my sister grabbing my forearm. The pair watched my eyes close before Rumple gasped entering your mind without thinking.

Opening my eyes I sat up slowing getting to my feet finding myself in the woods laying on a stone bench by myself. The wind blew part of my clothes where I saw that I was back in the dress I wore at my wedding reception. Alongside a fur cloak that was golden colored fur with my hair completely loose. I heard some twigs break behind me where I raised my hand. "Who's there? Show yourself!"

"It's okay. It's just me." The person spoke belonging to a voice of a young girl with golden blonde hair and brown eyes that matched Rumple's almost exactly.

The girl was wearing a black cloak over a white dress and some brown horse riding boots. She had her hair braided falling over her right shoulder looking at me when I was very confused. "Who exactly are you? I don't recognize you from my time in the Enchanted forest."

"I would hope you would know me. Considering we are looking to save my twin brother, Gideon." The strange girl spoke to me, stepping closer to me.

Wrapping my arms around myself I made a face at her not putting the pieces together at what she telling me. I didn't have my baby born yet. Even though my magic had spread up the pregnancy it was still a little while before the due date. "

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