The Worst Versions of Ourselves

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The Snow Queen had created her curse that was connected to her mirror that I had discovered in her cave. Since everyone in town is freaking out about this new curse we haven't had time to even talk about what I saw. There was no way I would've become the Dark One because I would never kill Rumple to get to that option. Rumple and I were walking towards his shop with me nervously holding my growing stomach. I was only a few weeks pregnant. "So you...You can keep the spell out?" I asked him simply.

"No, but we must be separated. As Dark One, I may be immune to the spell, but you can still hurt me. Go inside and stay in the back room. I'm gonna seal it with a protection spell so no one can get to you." Rumple explained unlocking the shop door letting me inside first.

While he shuts the door behind himself I turn on my heels facing him. "The Dark One can't be affected. Can that same thing apply if we share a heart?"

"Typically people don't share a heart, Astrid. So I don't have enough history to determine if that could work. I think it is a much safer bet that you and I are separated until the spell is over." He pointed his index finger towards me.

Leaning my back against one of the glass countertops arms crossing over my chest. "Another possibility could be that if you remove a heart then it can't affect their emotions because they won't be able to love. That's why Cora ripped out her own heart with you. So technically if we removed my heart from my chest then the Queen's spell won't come after me."

"Astrid, wait." He warned me when I started to reach inside my chest and take out my heart with my magic but he made me pause. "There's no true possibility that you can even survive when you remove half of my heart from your chest."

"My parents share a heart just like we do-" He cuts me off.

"Your parents are the creators of the two saviors and products of true love. Yet that doesn't mean that we are exactly like them. A person needs a heart to live, it stops you die." He shook his head back with a scoff taking one long step towards me gently looping our hand with my right. "Look, I... I'll be back soon, and then we're gonna be together and we're gonna be fine. I promise."

Closing my eyes I nodded letting him simply leave the room putting up a protection spell. Watching him walk down the street I spun around heading into the back room pressing my right hand inside my chest gasping. Holding the heart in my hand I waved my hand over it securely locking it away in the safe behind the painting. "Sorry Rumple. But I have to help my family and I can't do that if I'm locked up." Pressing my hands against the door I release a deep breath managing to undo the spell that he had placed.

Exiting out the door o headed towards the police station seeing Elsa and a woman with brown hair in braids except for one strand of her hair being white. My sister noticed me standing in the doorway holding our baby brother Neal in her arms. "Astrid, you shouldn't be here. It's not safe for you."

"It's alright, Em. I uh...took my heart out of my chest so I think I will be good." I stuttered on my words, eyeing my parents when dad tosses me the key, having me lock them each inside their own cells.

My sister gives me a nervous glance. "I don't know what's gonna happen. I don't know how long it's gonna last. I don't know what's gonna happen to me. I mean, what if... What if you starve to death in there?"

"No, Emma, you're gonna fix this thing, and then you're gonna come back and save us." Mom told us both.

"We believe in you." Dad added on.

Mom explained looking between the two of us. "Please. Now you know Henry's in a safe place, and Regina and the others can take care of themselves."

"What about the baby?" I asked, stepping closer to them figuring that someone would have to look after our little brother until this whole curse was broken and all.

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