Arrow Prophecy

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His other arm holding me against his chest, still holding my heart in his hand tightly. "Rumple..." I struggle for breath trying to grab the dagger from Pan's hand but he doesn't budge.

"The Dark One. Come to save Henry, have you, laddie?" Pan tilts his head towards Rumple. "How exciting. The Dark One ready to sacrifice his life for his family. Speaking of family..." He created some flames noticing somebody else. "You can come out now, Baelfire."

I gasped seeing Henry's father actually alive holding a loaded crossbow.
"Name's Neal now."

"New name, but the same old tricks. It's heartwarming to see father and son working together, especially after you abandoned him, Rumple. This is a real family reunion." Pan said gripping my heart causing me to wince dropping to the ground a little.

Rumple shutters seeing me in pain by his doing. "Astrid...What are you waiting for?" Glaring in his son's direction.

"I got this. Astrid duck." Neal told me where I elbowed Pan in the rib dropping quickly on the ground where Pan grabbed the arrow he fired before it could struck his heart.

"Clever. But we've been through this before, Baelfire. Have you remembered nothing?" Pan still held my heart in his other hand clutching it a little tighter where I clutched my chest moaning.

Neal lowered his crossbow as Pan turned a blue color affected by whatever was on the arrow. "I remember plenty. That's why I didn't coat the tip."

"Grab Henry." Rumple told him seeing Henry's past out body by my feet. Rumple grabs my hand waving his hand to steal my heart from Pan's grasp.

Pan glared at Neal. "Well, how about that? I'm impressed. But are you sure you're really saving him, Bae?"

"What could be worse than leaving him here with you?" Neal questions throwing Henry over his shoulder.

Pan was frozen in place.
"Why don't you ask your father? Sometimes the people we should fear the most are the ones closest to us."

Rumple wrapped an arm around my waist where I lifted my head up confused as Neal. "W... what's he talking about?"

"You mean you haven't told him?" Pan smirks my direction where I felt sick to my stomach.

"Told me what?" Neal asked.

Pan smirks again. "Why, about the prophecy, of course."

"What prophecy? What's he mean?" Neal gets frustrated.

Whipping my head from Pan to Rumple I felt something bad was coming. "The prophecy that says you've been tricked. Your father isn't here to rescue your son. He's here to murder him." Pan revealed before Rumple teleports us to the other side of the island away from him.

"Hey. Hey, Henry. It's me. Hey, it's your dad." Neal tried to wake up the boy but nothing happened.

Rumple explained still holding my heart in his hand. "No, he... he can't hear you. Neal: Then wake him up. Pulling him out of the spell could be dangerous. He'll wake naturally in a few hours. He'll be fine."

"All right. Then you can explain to me what the hell Pan meant. This prophecy that he's talking about, why would he say that you'd kill Henry?" Neal asked rising to his feet.

Rumple tried to play it off as I sit down on a log still feeling uneasy without my heart inside my chest. "Oh, I don't know, to create a wedge between us."

"No, this has to do with what happened when I found you. You thought I was a hallucination. You said that you had to do the right thing and save Henry! What did that really mean?" Neal throws his arms out in frustration staring my direction. "Astrid, do you know anything about this?"

Shaking my head no I shrugged my shoulders towards his son. "I don't know what Pan's talking about."

"There was a seer, and she told me of a prophecy... that boy would help reunite me with you. And that boy... Would be my undoing." Rumple finally caved in explaining the truth.

Neal and I both replied in unison. "Henry."

"I didn't know it was gonna be my own grandson, till I found you in New York and discovered you were his father." He explained tears forming in his eyes.

Neal steps away from his father not believing what he was hearing. "You were planning on getting rid of him, whoever he was, weren't you? To try and cheat fate? To get around the prophecy? You cold-blooded son of a bitch. You were gonna kill him." He raised his hand going over to Henry. "Get back. You stay away from him!"

"That was then. Things have changed. I... I didn't come here to Neverland to hurt Henry. I came here to save him." Rumple begged trying to not grip my heart in his hand.

Neal shakes his head throwing his son over his shoulder annoyed. "After what you just told me, I'm supposed to believe you?!"

"I won't lie to you, Bae. Self-preservation has been a nasty habit I've had my whole life, but I came here to break it, to do the right thing and to save your son. Even if that meant sacrificing my own life." Rumple released tears eyeing my direction as I looked at my feet wishing he had told me the truth before now.

Neal had abandoned us taking Henry through the jungle on his own with no magic. Turning my right hand over I still noticed the stupid cuff is on my wrist meaning I don't have my powers. "The Dark One isn't strong enough to get this off is he?" I asked showing Rumple the black cuff.

"Unfortunately there's only one person who can remove that dear." He comes to sit down beside me showing me my heart. He slowly pushed it back inside my chest where I dropped my head down gasping.

Resting a hand over my heart I sighed in relief feeling better that it is back inside my body. "Why didn't you tell me, Rumple?" I asked seeing him avoiding my gaze at the moment.

"Because Astrid  - I knew you would try and talk me out of it." He intertwined his hands together in front of him still looking at the ground. ""Pan and I have history. I can't let him get to you, princess. At least not anymore."

Moving my back away from him I sighed playing with the dagger necklace still hanging on my neck. "You shouldn't have lied to me, Rumple...I've never lied to you."

"I know, princess." He reaches forward to touch my shoulder but pulls back feeling guilty. "I'll make it up to you somehow...I promise."

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