A Dangerous Dimond

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Watching Henry playing on a rope swing I heard a truck door closed and my parents walked up clearly heartbroken over something which couldn't be good. My sister went over immediately hugging Henry who started crying on a park bench. "Dad, mom...what's happening?" I asked stepping closer to them.

"It's about your son." My father spoke towards Rumple. "Tamara shot him."

Covering my mouth with my hands I gasped feeling tears starting to fall at hearing Henry's father was dead. "Oh god..."

"They used a bean to open a portal. Neal was hurt so badly that he fell through. He's gone." My father explained sniffling through tears of his own.

Rumple started crying when I turned his direction where I reached for his hand but he clutched his cane in both hands. "Bae wasn't supposed to die."

"Greg and Tamara-they took something from Regina-a magical trigger. A fail-safe in the curse that could destroy Storybrooke." My father broke me from my trance.

My mother sucked in a shacky breath crying alongside him. "If they activate it, it's a self-destruct. Everyone not born in this world will die."

"The total destruction of Storybrooke..." I gasped wrapping my arms around myself in fear.

Rumple started walking away crying until my father rushed after him. "They killed your son in cold blood, and you don't wanna stop them?"

"They didn't kill my son. I did. I brought magic to this world to find Bae, and now he's dead. Magic always has a price, and this-this is it. But I'm prepared to pay it." Rumple's voice breaks as he started crying more.

My mother stood by dad begging him to fight. "But... We'll die. You'll die!"

"Well, I've made my peace with that." He walks away, shocking the three of us.

Everyone is inside Granny's waiting to use a magic bean and jump realms to safety. "Regina can hold off the self-destruct device long enough for us to escape, but...She won't survive." My sister tried explaining to Henry who started crying.

"But we can't do this! She's family! We don't leave family behind!" Henry begged his mother frantically trying to convince her. "We saved her from from being killed by the Wraith. How is this any different?"

"The Wraith!" Our mother realized another plan.

Emma and I raise our brows. "What?"

"We sent it through a portal. Why can't we do the same thing with the self-destruct?" She explained with hope in her eyes.

My sister shakes her head uneasy. "Because we don't know if it's gonna work." Glancing around the room at everyone. "It's too risky. No one will go along with it."

Archie or Jimmy Cricket stepped up believing in our parents. "Yes, we will. Because it's the right thing to do. Look, Snow White and the Prince have always led us before, and we've always won. So, who's willing to let them lead us again?"

I grinned hearing granny, red and the dwarfs all cheer in agreement to follow their lead like they did years before. Raising my hand in the air I felt Grumpy pull me into his side smiling. "Princess sister is on board too."

Mom grinned my direction then looked to my sister. "Thank you, Archie. This is what we should do." She stepped up grabbing my freehand in hers squeezing it gently. "Look, I know we haven't had a lot of chances to be parents, but give us this one. Let us do the right thing. It's not to late."

My sister embraced Henry still worried. "I just don't want him to be alone. I don't want him to grow up the way I did...the way we did." She tilts her head my direction before a huge earthquake shakes the diner. Entering the mines I winced feeling something drawing my magic and weakening me.

Raising my right hand I squinted one eye open thinking of a crazy idea. Walking slowly forward Henry followed me with my sister comforting our parents in one last hug. "I love you, Henry. I only wish I was strong enough to stop all this. I'm just not." He hugs her tightly.

Raising my hands I concentrated raising my hands over the glowing Dimond of destruction. Shutting my eyes tightly I felt the strength of its power running through my veins. "I'm sorry, Rumple..." Foosteps approached beside me feeling my sister grab my freehand tightly in hers

"You may not be strong enough, but maybe we are." She replied staring into my eyes using her other hand to contain the magic where it blasted us back. The weapon dropped onto the ground where I looked around realizing Henry was missing.

"The last bean. They've opened a portal." Regina gasped when we reached the docks seeing them throw the bean opening a portal in the water.

Emma and our father shouted. "Henry! Henry!"
Greg and Tamara leap through the portal with Henry.

"We can't just let the, take Henry! My sister fought against dad trying to hold her back.

Running my hands through my hair I heard someone call my name where I spun around on my feet rushing to his embrace. "Astrid, are you alright. I felt you take on that power." He could see me heartbroken mumbling Henry under my breath. "They've taken Henry?"

"Yeah. You're the Dark One. Do something." My father demanded still holding onto my sister.

Rumple moved his hand around while I grip his arm too emotionally unstable at the moment. "There's no way. I spent a lifetime trying to cross worlds to find my son. There's no way in this world without a portal."

"So that's it? He's gone forever? I refuse to believe that." Regina stomped her foot on the ground in frustration at his explanation.

Blinking tears away the Jolly Roger pulled up onto the docks where my sister demanded the pirate. "We need to get Henry. Greg and Tamara took him through a portal."

"Well, I offer my ship and my services to help follow them." Hook offers where we all got on board the ship.

Waving my left hand I smiled creating my sword in my hand. Clipping it in the holster on my belt where Rumple walked up eyeing the pirate. "So, are you done trying to kill me."

"I believe so." He replied simply.

"Excellent. Then you can live." Rumple smirks towards his rival before
magically summons the Magic Globe, pricks his finger, and a map of a strange island appears.

Regina tilts her head at the red map. "Where is that? Where did they take Henry?"

"Neverland." Hook immediately told our group.

Whipping my hair over my shoulder my freehand on my sword handle completely baffled by his answer. "I'm sorry did you just say, Neverland. As in the land where nobody grows up. With the legendary hero Peter Pan. Like that Neverland?"

"Aye princess. But he's not a hero like in your tall tales. He's...not a hero at all." Rumple said squeezing my shoulder before we all started helping to move the ship towards the portal.

Our father held onto mom tightly asking. "So who are we up against? Who are Greg and Tamara?"

"They're merely pawns, manipulated by forces far greater than they can conceive. They have no idea who they're truly working for." Rumple explained wrapping an arm around my waist pulling me closer to his chest.

My sister stared at us as the wind blew her hair in her face. "And who's that?"

"Someone we all should fear." Rumple called back to my sister as I clutched onto his black suit whispering against the wind. "We're coming Henry. We will find you...we will always find you."

Comments really appreciated

Here we are on our way to season 3 my readers. Yay!!

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