Sleeping Curse Club

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Sliding into one side of the booth Rumple went on the other side smiling at me. Regina and my father were watching over Henry this morning so I could slip away to have my first date with him. Ever since I entered this town we didn't get a chance to actually go on a date. Then the curse broke and everything that came with that happened. Granny set two burgers down eyeing Rumple. "I charge extra for the pickles."

He just made a sound as she walked away. Picking up the burger I asked with a chuckle. "What exactly did you to her?"

"Let's just say I have a complicated relationship with her. As I do with most people, except for you." He chuckled lightly.

Taking a bite out of my burger I heard the door opened Regina walking in. "Gold, we need to talk." Granny came around the corner sensing a problem. "Folks, I think I may have to close early, everybody out."

"Not its okay. We're civil." Regina held up a hand.

Rumple clutched his right hand into a fist. His gaze flickered from Regina down to me. "Astrid, you remember the woman who forced you and your sister away from your parents for 28 years. And who put you under that sleeping curse."

"I'm actually coming about the one that might unite us." Regina explains leaning down to whisper in his ear. "Cora...she's coming from our land."

Rumple bared his teeth up to her. "I can handle, Cora!"

"There's a big difference this time. This time you have a weakness." Regina stared across the table at me. "You're Golden Princess."

Closing the shop door behind me my father and Henry were already waiting for us. Leaning against the wall I stared down to the kid. Rumple moved a chair to his bedside sitting down slowly. "All right, Henry. Just relax and soon you're gonna drift off."

"What do I tell them?" He asked the Dark One.

Rumple grips his cane in his right hand explaining softly. "Just lisen to mu bedtime story and all will be clear." He placed his hand on Henry's forehead preforming the spell. "Once Upon a Time, Snow White and Prince Charming needed to stun a very powerful magician long enough to lock him up in a dark dungeon.'

"That was you. They used Cinderella to trap you with a magic quill." Henry interrupts before his eyes fell closed.

"It wasn't the quill itself but the ink that captured the Dark One. Harvested from the rarest species of squid from the bottom of the bottomless ocean, impossible to find unless you're a mermaid. Or me. I happen to have a private supply. In my jail cell, that is where they will find it." Rumple waved his hand over the sleeping boy once more time completing the spell.

Henry shot awake suddenly groaning about his arm. Regina moved his sleeve seeing harsher burn marks. Rumple squeezes my shoulder instructing me. "Take care of the burns dear." Closing my eyes I raised my hand waking it over his arm as my hand turned gold until it was completely healed.

"Yes, I did it!" I cheered to Rumple who smiled down at me.

Regina snapped concerned for his safety. "What causes this?"

"Someone woke Aurora before her soul was ready to return. The violence of that act tour her away and injured Henry." He explained to the Evil Queen.

My father turned around to face us getting an idea that isn't a good one. "Snow...she was there once before. She can go back. And I'll be waiting."

"It's not as simple as that. You can't get there. You haven't been under a sleeping curse." Rumple rests his hands on his cane telling him off.

Raising my hand in the air I declare getting up from Henry's bedside. "Then I'll go. I've been there once. And I can come and go simple."

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