Mr and Mrs. Gold

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A few months ago

Finally coming back from the reception at Granny’s diner we were both exhausted and excited at the same time since it was our wedding night. Rumple refused to tell me where we we’re going later tonight. He just kept saying it was a surprise and that was it. “Rumple, for the love of magic will you just tell me where we are going. I mean we can’t leave storybrooke.”

“Calm down, lass. We are almost there.” He responded back, glancing my direction while he drove the old car. It was a few minutes before we parked the car in a driveway with a large brick stone house in front of us.

Opening the front door I slowly walked forward but I saw Rumple put a hand in front of my eyes so I couldn’t see. Moving my right hand up I started to pull it away giggling at whatever he was doing. “Rumple. What are you doing?”

“Close your eyes and don’t open them until I say so.” He instructed and I did as he told me hearing his feet hitting the wooden floor with him snapping his fingers. “Alright open your eyes.”

Blinking my eyes I gasped seeing that the once old room of the house now looked like an image of a castle from a story book. Looking down I was wearing a golden dress with some lots underneath it. “You don’t have to use magic to charm me anymore. We are each other's heart after all.” I responded back seeing him still wearing the tux from the wedding.

“That may be true, Astrid. But it still has its advantages…now Mrs. Gold I think you deserve to be treated like the princess that you are.” He breaks the distance between us wrapping his arms around my waist.

Wrapping my arms around his neck I grinned ear to ear leaning forward kissing him for the second time tonight. “I am rather looking forward to that, Rumple.” He smiled leaning forward and kissed me longingly until I waved my hand transporting us into one of the rooms.

“You little cheater using magic to get to this point. And here I thought you wanted to take this slow.” He teased me when I sent him a glare messing with the buttons on his shirt.

Grabbing the collar of his shirt I pulled him down onto the bed only breaking the kiss one more time. “We can talk about our marriage magic rules later. I just want to be with you.” He nodded, removing his shirt and I dealt with my dress.

Waking up early this morning I felt sick to my stomach stumbling into the bathroom. Grabbing the toilet I started throwing up whatever was in my stomach. But I knew last night that I hadn’t eaten anything old or like that. “Astrid!” Rumple called my name rushing to me seeing my current status.

It was about five minutes before I finally sat back feeling better. Rumple brushed hair out of my eyes and so it wouldn’t get in my mouth. “Ugh…that was disgusting.” Laying my head against his chest he wrapped his arms around me just letting silence fill the room.

Closing my eyes I started to fall back asleep in his embrace getting more tired than I used to. Since our wedding a few months ago it was very surprising to me that there weren't any problems running through the town. I honestly enjoyed it because the last time we had to deal with a villian I got killed. I wouldn’t be alive physically if it wasn’t for Rumple. “We might need to take you to the doctor or something if you've been doing this for the last few weeks.”

“Yeah you’re probably right. Uh let’s get up. Hopefully I can get a grilled cheese at Granny’s. That usually makes me feel better.” I responded by lifting my head up meeting his brown gaze that was locked onto mine.

He stood first intertwining our hands together pulling me up to stand before we got dressed for the day. I decided to wear a light green loose flowery shirt, some blue jeans and black combat boots. My hair was in a braid over my right shoulder. Rumple held open the door to granny’s for me. “Astrid. Good, what can I get you. Two cheeseburgers, one with pickles.” Granny came around the corner with her notepad in her hands.

“Actually I’d like a grilled cheese.” I replied holding Rumple’s hand tugging me to sit down on one side of the booth with him across from me.

Tapping my fingers on the table I was still trying to figure out why I was getting sick recently. I wasn’t native to what had to happen between me and my husband. But he was also immortal and I am pretty sure that denies me the fact of ever getting pregnant. “Here you go. Just the way you like it.” Granny slid two plates onto the table in front of us.

“Rumple I am not sure if this is even possible but maybe we should go do a test. You know, like the pregnancy one.” I sat my sandwich down after taking a few bites knowing that we haven’t talked about children. With everything that went on with my sister giving up Henry years ago I didn’t really have time to consider if I ever wanted a child.

He nodded, sitting his burger down reaching across the table intertwining my hand with his right allowing him to spin my wedding ring on my finger. “I told you when we married that you could have whatever you want. I am yours, princess.”

Getting to my feet I grabbed his arm dragging him towards the door where he quickly laid some money on the table. I walked a couple of block’s before I got tired so he used magic to make the rest of the trip quicker. “Mr and Mrs. Gold. What can I do for you two?” Dr. Whale came into the lobby seeing us waiting.

“Well my wife here wants a pregnancy test just to see.” Rumple replied and I could see on the doctor's face that he was waiting for another part of the arrangement. “And before you ask, I am not looking to make any deals. It’s simply a request for her.”

The three of us followed him into one of the rooms getting me into a bed after I took a test. It was a few minutes before he entered the room holding the clipboard in his hands with a small smile. “Congratulations you two. You are officially pregnant.”

“Oh my gosh, Rumple…we’re gonna be parents.” I gasped covering my mouth with my hands grinning like I was five years old and just got a pony or something for Christmas.

Lifting my gaze up his brown eyes we’re avoiding my gaze. I could see it on his face that he was at odds with himself on how he should react to this. He had told me what happened when he was raising his first child who was Henry’s father. “Whale, can you give us a minute alone please.” The doctor nodded, closing the door when he left.

“Rumple…” I trailed off resting my hand on top of the one grabbing his cane.

He blinked a couple times leaning down kissing my forehead gently then when I saw a smile grace his face I knew he wasn’t upset yet still nervous. “Sorry lass. It’s just…this takes me by surprise even when it really shouldn’t….I just…I didn’t think I would get another chance to be a father."

"If it's because you're scared we can face it together like we do everything else. And if I'm being honest I didn't think you could have or that I wanted to have a baby." I admitted to him intertwining my hands with his sending him a loving smile on my face. "Now things are different so I am thrilled."

Rumple came to sat down on the edge of the bed cupping the side of my face with his freehand kissing me softly. "Then I am thrilled too, Astrid. We're gonna have a little prince or princess." Leaning forward I closed the gap kissing him once more enjoying a non chaotic day that we so rarely ever get in this town.

Comments really appreciated ❤️

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