You've Earned Her Hand

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Heading inside the hospital my father gently hands me my baby brother opening the door to see my mother waiting. Walking inside the room I smiled down at my youngest sibling wrapped in a soft blanket. My mother sits up a pure smile on her face when I hand her the little infant. My father stands on the other side of the bed smiling down at their second child. "I can't believe I have a brother. He's so adorable."

"Well I'm just glad that we got you back. I don't think we could have handled losing you again." He responded tucking hair behind my ear with his freehand.

Foosteps approached us but we didn't look up until they knocked on the door. A smile graces my lips seeing Rumple standing in the doorway. "Sorry to interpret but I do believe I owe you two an apology. Could you give us a moment alone darling?"

Nodding my head I closed the door behind me seeing Regina waiting outside for me. "Regina, I am so sorry. Just give me a chance to explain-"

"No explanation is needed. Robin told me what that ring is for." She held up a hand.

Removing it from my finger that was the one memory I couldn't piece together. "So what is it for exactly?"

Regina stepped up closing my hand around the ring smiling. "He said that he gave it to you to show your not alone anymore. That your heart will heal one day."

"Then I don't need this anymore. Give this back to him. He needs it more." Holding it out to her I smiled placing it in the palm of her hand. She smiled glancing towards the room with my parents. Covering my hands over my mouth I grinned seeing my father actual hug my boyfriend for the first time ever smiling.

Rumple's POV
Once Astrid closes the door I slumped my shoulders smiling at Snow holding her son in her arms watching me. "I am here to apologize for the history between us. A history of creating the dark curse that ripped your family apart. For that I am sorry. Today I stand before you to apologize for endangering your daughter's life. And there's something you should know...I love her with everything I have. And she owns my heart, truly. We share a heart as you two do now."

"That's beautiful to hear Rumple. I know she loves you too. It's clear in her eyes." Snow replied seeing me playing with my fingers nervously. "What's worrying you?"

Charming tilts his head to the side piecing my word's together with a slight shock on his face. "You want to marry her don't you." He reaches for his sword still attached to his hip.

"David no!" His wife stopped him raising her tone a little hoping to not wake the sleeping newborn. "We should hear him out. After all he cares about our daughter."

Dropping my eyes to the floor for a moment I wave my hand in the air creating an almost ring like the one that Snow wears. Except this one has a golden rose as the jewelry instead. "As I said before Astrid and I share one heart both mentally and now...physically. You see when she died I made the choice to split my heart in two. I came here today to ask you permission. The soulmates bond doesn't matter. Your permission to marry your daughter is what matters to me."

"Oh that's beautiful. Yes Gold of course!" Snow was almost in tears grinning at me.

Holding in a breath I was terrified to hear what the prince had to say about this. He locked gazes with me taking a step forward then suddenly throwing his arms around me in a hug. I stumbled backwards a little until he broke it smiling through tears. "You have my permission Gold. Just promise that you'll love and take care of her."

"I promise." I vowed up to the prince feeling her eyes on me and I knew exactly how to propose to her.

Astrid's POV
Everyone else had headed to Granny's to celebrate Zelena's defeat and the birth of the new baby but Rumple insisted we do something special first before joining the others. He finally pulled us to a stop right underneath the sign to his pawnshop sighing heavily. "This is the exact spot where we first met not so long ago. Do you remember that lass?"

"Yes I do. It was the same day you gave me this..." I trailed off revealing the dagger necklace from underneath my shirt around my neck.

He smiled taking my hands in his gently squeezing them as the wind blows softly. "And I do not regret the feeling I got that day we met. If I hadn't followed it I wouldn't be standing before the love of my life. The one person who still sees light in me through the darkness that surrounds my heart. Although I've given you many reasons to abandon me you haven't yet. And I shall never abandon you my golden princess..." He trailed off reaching into his pocket causing me to gasp for two reasons. The area around us changed to look like the inside of a castle that I recognized from Henry's book. It appears to be the place where my parents go married at. "I may not be able to get down on one knee so I thought this would be a good alternative. Astrid Swan, I love you. I'll love you until I die. So I stand before you asking will you marry me?"

"Yes, yes, yes. Of course I will. I love you Rumplestiltskin!" I fling my arms around his neck kissing him deeply. He quickly breaks it slipping the ring on my left hand. He then pulled me in for another kiss cradling my face in his hands smiling into the kiss.

Honestly I felt like we were skipping on the way to Granny's in. He opened the door letting me inside first so I embrace my sister first showing her and Henry the ring completely giddy. "Astrilskin forever!" He cheered hugging me tightly with a grin plastered on his face.

"As my first princessly request I would like to know the name of the baby." My sister spoke with Rumple and I sitting in a booth beside my parents.

My father smiled down to his wife raising his glass gathering everyone's attention. "Excuse me. If I could have everyone's attention just for a moment. This coronation ceremony is something we looked forward to for a very long time. The arrival of our new son has been a cause of great joy for our family. And we hope you can share in it as we name him for a hero. Someone who saved everyone of us. We loved him and he loved back."

"People of Storybrooke, it's our great joy to introduce you to our our son, Prince Neal." My mother grinned in the direction of me and my sister.

Looking to my fiancé I watched Rumple raise his finger to his nose smiling through happy tears at the name. Baelfire may be gone but his memory would live on through my little brother and through Henry. "Neal Charming.." I mumbled under my breath laying my head on his chest smiling.

Comments really appreciated ❤️

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