Mirror of Darkness

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Shifting my gaze up and down the ice cave I gripped the dagger knowing that this would be another weird magic encounter. Rumple stands beside me knowing that I could sense the same magic that he could. "She's not at home. I don't sense her magic."

"Good. Okay. You stay here as a lookout. I'm going in." I started to walk forward until he gently grabbed my wrist holding onto the dagger in my right hand.

Meeting his deep gaze he asked, trying to figure out where my head was at. To be honest I was only half sure of that answer. "What could you possibly want from the Snow Queen's cave?"

"A hat... One that can strip a magical being of their powers. I found it written about in some of the books we were reading to fix your blackening heart." I explained pulling my wrist from his grasp.

He slumped his shoulders at my words. "That sounds like a remarkable object... Almost too good to be true, which means it probably is."

"It can't be, Rumple. We live in a world of magic and fairy tales. So it has to exist now I'm going to find it and you need to stay here and keep an eye out for her. Because it's the only way to force her to tell us where Anna is." Waving my right hand I transported into the cave with an orange cloud of smoke disappearing away. Wrapping my arms around myself I began searching around the cave seeing everything white and covered in some type of snow. Then there's a large mirror in the center of the cave.

Walking towards it I raised my hand feeling deep magic radiating from it and surrounding me inside this room. "Hello my dearie, Astrid." Stumbling backwards my eyes locked onto someone that slightly looked familiar in the mirror. The girl had my eyes but her hair that was falling over her shoulders was black as night.

"What the hell are you. Why is my hair black like my mothers?" I asked, not understanding how I am looking like a Dark One.

The unfamiliar me smirked holding up the dagger in her hand. "As you said I am you, Astrid. It is rather embarrassing that you haven't figured out why I look like this, read the dagger girl."

Stepping closer to the mirror I bit my tongue reading my name across the blade in her hands. Holding the blade in my hand I scoffed not believing what she was saying right now. "That's not possible, I can't be the Dark One. Rumple is....the only way I would become it was if he...died again."

"Oh please princess. You're not even going to consider the fact that you might enjoy such power. You literally share a heart with the man who has access to such power. Did you ever think that the voices of the darkness might not start calling out to you hmm." The other Astrid smirked even bigger, slightly swinging the dagger in her hands.

Gripping the dagger in my right hand I stomped away from the mirror. This cannot be happening. The mirror is definitely cursed by some sort of dark magic. "I will not become the Dark One...I will not become the Dark One."

"Yes you will. You will embrace darkness in your life. There will never be two saviors in this town. I mean did you honestly think that you weren't going to become this when you literally married the darkest man alive." She chuckled until I heard footsteps approaching me.

"Astrid the Snow Queen is approaching the cave. We have to go." Rumple spoke seeing my eyes focused on the mirror.

Opening my left hand I pushed past him turning my knuckles almost white with how tightly I was clutching the dagger. "Go to hell! I will never become like you, I will never become the Dark One!"

"Astrid! Ast we have to leave. Don't look in the mirror. Look at me, lass." Rumple called out to me before I threw the fireball at him where he ducked and it hit the mirror doing nothing to destroy it. Running forward I attempted and managed to strike him across the face with the dagger until he used magic to transport us back to the shop.

Thrashing against his hold I elbowed him in the rib until he gripped my forearms holding me still. "Let... Let me go! It's okay. We're back in the shop. We're back in the shop. It's okay."

"No. You were outside the cave. I commanded that you wait there." I spat in his face glaring into those brown eyes still seeing the darker side of me in them.

He loosens his grip on me, finally letting me go. "You commanded me to keep watch. I sensed she was coming back. I came to find you, and I'm glad I did." My eyes scanned over him finally breaking myself from the trance that it had put me under, noticing a fresh cut from the dagger on his chin.

"I... I hurt you. I... I'm so sorry, Rumple." I sucked in a shaky breath dropping the dagger in my trembling hand so it smacked the wooden floor of the shop.

Rumple raised his right hand up to cradle my face in his palm. Leaning into his touch he whispered softly. "It's okay, Astrid. I know you wouldn't hurt me."

"When I f-found that mirror, something came over me, like a... Like a spell. And... And it spoke to me and made me... Made me believe all these horrible things, and it said to me that the dagger...that it would one day read that I was the...the Dark One." I started sobbing where I fling my arms around his neck. Burying my face into the fabric of his suit just crying so much.

He wrapped his arms around my waist holding me close with his eyes locked onto the dagger laying on the floor. He knew something was different lately since the pregnancy and the fact that you shared the same beating heart now. "I can assure you that nothing that mirror said is true. It was imbued with the darkest of magic. I-I know you would never wrong me....I will figure this out Astrid I promise. I will find out what this means."

Comments really appreciated ❤️

Do you all have any baby names besides Gideon. There might be another Astrid and Rumple child in this book.

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