A Child's Curse

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Finally off the ship we all headed into Rumple's shop wanting to know Pan couldn't escape and come after Henry anymore. He places Pandora's box in a hiding spot in the floor. "Once I seal the box in here, no one can break the spell but me." He casts magic on the hiding spot turning the floor golden.

"You're not going to do that?" Henry asked making me raise a brow at his question.

Rumple raised to his feet taking my hand in his. "What do you mean? I want Pan trapped as much as you."

"We won't let anything happen to you again, I promise." Regina crossed her arms over her chest.

Rumple nodded towards the queen. "She's right. You needn't worry. As long as I'm alive, that boy will never see the light of day."

Everyone had left the shop leaving us alone. Rumple pushed the tarp open to the back room where I twirled in a light blue dress with leggings and combat boots. The ends of my hair still colored in pink. "What do ya think. Is this good enough for a night on the town?"

"You could be wearing your lazy Sunday clothes and I'd still say you're beautiful." He grasps my hands in his tugging me into his chest gently with a smile.

Wrapping my arms around his neck I grinned pulling him in for a kiss. "So here's an important question. Where do you see us in future hmm?"

"I thought you were still mad at me for not telling you about the prophecy?" He raised a brow seeing a playful smirk on my face.

Shaking my head I play with the end of his hair. "I'm not as mad anymore with you. My parents and my sister lied to me too. So they're the ones I'm mad at the most."

"Well here's only one of those paths I'm interested in." He replied leaning down gently kissing me.
"The one where you and I are together."

Walking down the street we entered Granny's seeing my parents eating in a booth. "I never thought Granny's lasagna could taste so good." My mother chuckled at his words.

"So how'd you like to wash it down with this?" Rumple down a small bottle containing liquid.

Mom gasped at the liquid.
"Is that-?"

"Yeah. An elixir. This will cure your Dreamshade poisoning once and for all." Rumple explained as I played with my hair avoiding eye contact with either of my parents.

My father smiled still in shock. "You really found a cure already?"

"I am a man of my word." Rumple holds a hand over his heart.

My father raised a hand sitting his fork down. "And I owe you nothing? No price of magic, no..."

"On the house. But we are family now, so I'm sure should I ever need a favor, you'll be more than receptive." Rumple finished taking my hand leading me outside and back to the shop.

An hour later we ended up at the town line outside of Storybrooke. Rumple walked forward holding the magic box but my sister stopped him from crossing the red line even though he's wearing the shawl again. "I can cross the line and retain my memory."

"It's not about that. There's no magic over there. All due respect, the real world is my expertise." My sister
takes out her gun and steps over the line. "You're gonna deal with Pan on my terms."

Rumple waved his hand
unsealing the box and places it over the town line. My sister aims her gun at him as he stands up with a dazed look. He turns around to her." "Mom?"

Emma and I blurted out together. "What?"

"What are you waiting for? shoot him." Rumple raised his voice gripping his cane.

Pan begged my sister. "Don't. Please. I'm Henry. Pan... he switched our bodies."

"Don't listen to him. This is one of his tricks." Rumple grabbed my forearm with his freehand not trusting his words.

Pan is determined to trick us all and not get shot. "No, it's not. He did it right before Mr. Gold captured me in the box, I swear."

"Maybe he's telling the truth. Maybe that's why I can't shake this feeling something is off about Henry." My sister holds her gun up still feeling uneasy.

"Maybe that's what he wants you to believe. If he steps over this line, we're all dead." Rumple scoffed pointing at the red line with his cane.

Emma replied. "All right, if you are really Henry, prove it. Tell me something only Henry would know."

"I-I got trapped in the mines. I tried blowing up the well. I like hot cocoa with cinnamon." Pan tries to prove he is Henry.

"This proves nothing." Rumple shakes his head.

Mom gripped onto my father saying. "He's right, Emma. Henry could've told Pan all this in Neverland."

"Pan might know facts, but life is made up more than that-there are moments. He can't possibly know all of them." My sister explained. "The first time you and I connected-you remember that? Not met, but connected."

I stepped over the red line under Rumple's protest stepping in between my sister and the boy. "If you are really Henry then tell me this. Tell me the ship name you gave me and Rumple."

"How does this prove he isn't Pan, sweetheart?" My father questioned.

I don't break gaze with the boy needing my answer. "Because nobody else knows what it means except him."

"Astrilskin" Pan replied making me smile knowing that it's Henry.

Emma watched me step out of the way waiting for her answer from the boy.
"My castle. Right after you came to Storybrooke."

"And what did you tell me?" Emma breathed out heavily.

He replied before she hugged him finally knowing it's Henry. "Because you wanted to give me my best chance."

Rushing to the woods inside Regina's vault we found her unconscious until Rumple woke her up.
"So what exactly did Pan come down here to get?" My father looked around the room.

Rumple searches around the room with his magic until he paused on an opened box. Fear written all over his face. "Please tell me you didn't keep it down here."

"Where else would I keep it?" Regina shrugged her shoulders standing by Henry in Pan's body.

My sister shakes her head confused. "What is it? What did Pan take?"

Tapping my fingers on my arms I snapped my fingers finally realizing his possible plan. "The Dark Curse. He's gonna use it on everyone in Storybrooke
Including us." My gaze flickered up to my sister.

"Why would Pan even want the curse? I already cast it." Regina throws her hands up.

"And I broke it." My sister trailed off in thought.

Rumple points towards the two women's statements.
"Well, that doesn't mean you can't cast it again. And this time, without your parents' true love woven in, even you and your sister would be powerless to break it."

"I don't understand. We're already in this land." My father said not seeing how he could hurt our family.

"What exactly would casting the curse in Storybrooke do now?" Our mother asked wrapping her arms around herself.

Lifting my gaze up to Rumple I grabbed his hand feeling my whole body shaking in fear. He wrapped his arm around my waist instead pulling me against his chest sensing it with the soulmates bond. "We'd forget who we are...all of us. And we would be stuck doing Pan's bidding forever.." Burying my head in his chest he wrapped his other arm around me wanting me to be happy again.

Comments really appreciated

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