He's Not Dead

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The sound of beeping wakes me up. Blinking my eyes opened a couple times I get met with a bright light coming from the window in my hospital room. Turning over my left hand there's an Iv and some things attached to my chest. The door to my room opened and I recognized Dr. Whale but I don't understand how I am here. The last thing I remember was watching my sister and Henry cross the town line. After that all I remember is a fuss. Whale picked up a chart confusion written on his face just like me. "Astrid, why exactly are you here. The last time I remember you being in the hospital was-"

"When I ate the apple turnover. Yeah I don't understand it either." Tossing the covers aside I climbed out of the bed against his judgment. Seeing some clothes at the foot of the bed I raised my hand creating a cloud gold wearing the now light green jacket, white tea shirt. Dark blue jeans with my hair completely loose. Exiting the hospital I wrap my arms around myself heading for the woods. The leaves crunched underneath my boots. Pausing in my step I spun around hearing an arrow being fired. Wrapping my hand around it I gasped seeing a figure appears from behind a tree carrying a crossbow in his hands.

The stranger walks up lowering his weapon while I held the arrow in my hands. He has bright blue eyes and brown hair. At first glance I could see he was Robin Hood. "Apologies princess. I thought you were an intruder." He explained stopping a few steps in front of me.

"It's alright. No harm done. May I ask how do you know I was - uh am a princess?" I questioned handing him the arrow back. He clipped it back onto his crossbow extending his freehand that I shake with a small smile. "Astrid, Astrid Swan."

He squeezes my hand staring down at something on my left hand in confusion. "Robin of Locksley. And I called you a princess my lady because I've heard rumors that your parents are well..Snow White and Prince Charming." He lifted my left hand where I noticed what reflected in the sunlight that was coming through the trees. "Those are my initials on this piece of jewelry. Except I don't recall giving it to you."

Removing the ring from my left ring finger I was more confused then when I woke up in the hospital. It doesn't make sense how we ended back in Storybrooke. The ring is silver with an RH engraved on the back of it. Twisting it in between my fingers I started to hand it back to him. "I'm not sure why I have this. But it must belong to you. So here take it back. My guess is it's in this time of memory I'm missing."

"Ah yes. Everyone seems to be having a missing year. As for the ring you keep it." Robin closed my hand around the ring still in the palm of my hand. "If I gave it to you I assume there's a good reason."

I give him a smile feeling my phone going off in my pocket. Answering the call I gasped in joy recognizing my sister's voice on the other side. "Astrid, there's something you need to know. Somehow Gold - uh Rumple is alive. It's a long story but Hook found me and helped me remember. Dad and I found an old cellar with sraw spun into gold on the floor." She hangs up texting me the address.

Turning towards the theif he raised a brow picking up his crossbow from the ground. "I'm guessing there's news." Nodding my head I waved bye quickly transporting to my sister and father waiting outside a cellar.

"I wish we could hug right now but I have to see it for myself Emma. Somehow in my heart I knew he wasn't dead." I explained eyeing my sister before creating a sword with my magic walking down the stairs. There's a big cage big enough to hold a person. Someone lifted their head causing my heart to warm at the sight of his brown eyes. "Rumple...is it really you?" Tears welling in my eye I rushed forward gripping the bars of his cell in my small hands.

Rumple gasped turning around in his chair with a spinning wheel sitting inside his large cell. "Astrid...it's you. You...you have to leave. You have no idea what this witch will make me do to you. She can’t see you with me." I could hear the concern in his tone but it didn't matter.

"The wicked witch. Like the one from Oz..." Shaking my head I waved my hands over the lock undoing it and opening the door extending my right hand for him to take. "I don't care what some women wearing a pointy hat says. I know you, Rumple. I’m not afraid. You would never hurt me."

Rumple shakes his head no until I give him puppy dog eyes being able to feel his desire to come with me is stronger than his fear. He gets to his feet slowly intertwining his hand with mine. He rests his forehead against mine making me smile. "I love you remember that princess....now run. Run go." He raised his tone to a warning before someone laughed sitting in the corner.

"Don’t mind me. Carry on. I was just enjoying the show." The woman smiled having green eyes and curly orange hair. She holds the dagger in her left hand.

Drawing my sword I attempted to push Rumple behind me with my other arm. Aiming the tip towards her I gripped the handle of my weapon. I don't recognize her but she's holding the one thing that can control my boyfriend. "Let him go witch. Nobody in this town knows who you are. Why on earth do you need him. Fight me instead. Just let him go. I know that he's strong enough to fight against you. That we are strong enough!" I intertwined my freehand with Rumple's not backing down.

"You're soulmates bond is no match for this dagger. I suggest you run on back to mommy Charming." The woman smirked moving the dagger forward where Rumple suddenly shoves me against the stairs causing me to drop my sword. I grunted seeing his hands bawled into fists at his sides where for once since I met him I run away in fear.

Getting up the stairs my sister keeps her gun raised when i collapse into my father's sobbing. "He's alive...but she's here. She knows about our bomd dad." He wrapped his arms around my waist. Running one hand through my hair hearing someone coming up the stairs quickly.

"Zelena sends a message. She will face Regina and no one interferes. Next time you try to stop her I will kill you!" Rumple points his index finger towards the three of us. I bury my face into my father's chest wishing this wasn't how I found out the man I loved was truly still alive.

Yay! I managed to get another chapter out in my first week of being back in college.

Comments really appreciated

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