Prince's Permission

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Neal and Henry are sword fighting while Rumple and I watched from afar. I had to admit Henry is pretty good with a sword even if its a toy one. Foosteps approached behind us and I bite my tongue seeing Regina. Two days ago she tried to kill my mother for killing hers. So my family put Rumple on guard duty over her so she couldn't kill her. Rumple kept his eyes watching the boys holding my hand in his free one. "What are you doing here?"

"The real question is what's your son doing with mine?" She nodded her head towards Henry's direction.

Rumple turns towards Regina chuckling lightly. "Oh that..That's right, you didn't get the birth announcement, did you? That's Henry's father."

"What?" Regina glared down to him in disbelief.

He turned to face her still holding my hand in his giving her a slight smirk. "Do I have to spell it out for you? Miss Swan and my son-"

Regina interrupts his sentence not believing what she was hearing. "You're Henry's grandfather?"

"Guess that makes us family!. He's got my eyes, don't you think?" He asked me more than her before we started walking away from the evil queen.

Regina stomped after us.
"You did this!"

"Trust me, dearie, it was as much a shock to me as it is to you." He shrugged his shoulders.

She refused to believe his words. "No! You must have known! When I adopted him, it was you who procured him for me. You expect me to believe that that was a coincidence?"

"No, not coincidence. Fate. And apparently, fate has a sense of humor." Rumple showing our intertwined hands. "Looking at Astrid and I. I would call it fate for us being together."

She crossed her arms over her chest flickering her gaze between us. "Fate. So, you're playing the part of the loving grandpa now? They won't accept you, no matter what you do. Not your son, not any of them." Rumple glanced down to me listening to her words. "You really think that her parents the Charming's will accept that you are dating their daughter."

"We'll see." He spoke in confidence.

Regina replied to his words knowing his past better than myself. "I've already seen, Gold. I've seen your dark heart and it always wins out. You always choose darkness."

"You think you know me, dearie. But you don't." Rumple rolled his eye at the evil queen.

Regina explains in confidence walking away leaving us alone. "I know you well enough. If your own son couldn't bring out the good in you, who will?"

Without thinking I grab his hand quickly walking towards the road and we ended up outside my parents apartment. He struggled to catch his breath before I knocked on the door where it opened revealing my father to answer it. "Hi Astrid, Gold. What's up?"

"Even though I am a grown adult I feel like I should give you the chance to have the dad/boyfriend talk with Rumple. Where he asks me out on a date with your permission." I explained sitting at the kitchen table my hands intertwined together in front of me.

My mother's head shot up while she still layed in the bed feeling awful for what she had done a few days ago. "Oh your first date. I have to know everything when you get back sweetie!" She actually had happiness in her voice that you could clearly hear.

"You didn't know about this did you, Dark One?" My father asked crossing his arms over his chest seeing Rumple shakes his head no replying. "I would have been more prepared if I had, Charming."

Hitting my hands on the table I rest my chin in the palms of my hands smiling. "Come on please do this without bickering or violence...for me."

Both boys stared over at me slumping their shoulders before Rumple ran a hand through his hair nervously. "Mr. Nolan I...I'd like permission to take your daughter on a date...please?"

"You know we can go looking for your dagger again if you ever hurt her." My father glared down at him but sighs heavily nodding his head yes. "But there's a part of me that see's you make her happy. So you can take her on a date."

Jumping to my feet I fling my arms happily around my father and he hugged me back with a side hug. "Thank you, thank you. Thank you, daddy."

Rumple offers me his freehand opening the door with his other and I wave to my mother who is overly excited. Granted though she wasn't there for our first date being trapped in the Enchanted Forest. Reaching Granny's I got into the booth first and he followed after. The door opened and I see my father pick up an order of Chilli with Leroy who is actually Grumpy the dwarf back home. The pair exit right as Granny brought over two cheeseburgers just like last time. "Did I give you a scar at my parents house?"

"Indeed you did. Although your father won't find my dagger where I've hidden it this time." He chuckled taking a bite out of his burger and I do the same watching the door making sure this time Regina doesn't come inside.

As soon as I think we will have an uninterrupted date the door opened and Henry ran over to us sliding in my side of the booth pulling out a folder of notes causing Rumple to groan through his teeth. "Henry..."

"I think I figured out why you and Rumple shared the same pain." He pulls out a paper of notes explaining soulmates that he got from multiple books. "I haven't figured out how you can see the future kind of yet. But I think you two are soulmates."

Sitting my burger down I rest my chin in the palm of my hand asking. "What exactly is a soulmate, Henry?"

Rumple tapped his fingers on the table when his grandson started explaining. "Basically it's someone who has a close connection with somebody else. Like they can feel the others pain or desire."

"How in the laws of magic does that work. Dark and light magic a hero and a villan together. How is that possible?" Rumple rubbed the back of his neck raising a brow in confusion for never having this type of ability before in his thousand years as the Dark One.

Henry shrugged his shoulders saying back. "I don't have all the answers for, Astrilskin. I'm only eleven after all." He closes his book seeing Rumple's eyes kit together confused even more.

" that a band name or something?" Rumple asked making me giggle taking his hand in mine from across the table.

Henry smiled as I squeeze his hand intertwined with his. "It's our names put together. It's called a ship name.."

Rumple sighed watching his grandson leave pointing his thumb over his shoulder shaking his head. "One of these days I hope we can have a date where a family member doesn't interpret."

Raising my freehand I smirked ungulfing us both in a cloud of yellow smoke. Once it gone I cheered hands in the air that we actually ended up inside his pawnshop. "Yes, I finally did it." Rumple shakes his head with a playful grin.

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