I'm Peter, Peter Pan

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Walking down the wooden stairs into one of the cabins on the ship I see Rumple reappears wearing the leather skins I saw in my visions from awhile back. He turned around smiling at me where I rest my hands on his shoulders eyeing the fabric under my fingers. "Is it weird that I rather like this outfit?"

"Not at all dear. I will say though these skins are a part of my past. Before I met you that is." He rests one hand on my hip while his other tucks hair behind my ear. "This island is too dangerous for hand holding. I must revert back to my former self."

Staring up into his eyes I glanced down at my outfit which is just jeans and a tea shirt. My sword on my hip but it doesn't look as scary as his. Tilting my head to the side I give him puppy dog eyes. "Rumple I have a favor to ask...could you give me an outfit like yours?"

"Why's that sweetheart?" He asked with a small smile.

"Like you said hand holding won't work here. Make me into a badass princess." I explained with a small smirk on my face.

He raised his freehand engulfing me in purple smoke where I spun around seeing I am now wearing a red jacket with tears all over it. A white tea shirt thrown over with combat boots. Moving my hair over my shoulder I noticed pink dye on the ends of my blonde hair. Smiling up to him I throw my arms around his neck kissing him as a thank you.

He wrapped his arms around my waist breaking the kiss. "So you like it I presume?" I nod my head before he grabbed his cane seeing my sister arguing with our parents.

"Oh, that's a great use of our time-a wardrobe change!" Hook scoffs making everyone look our direction ending their conversations.

Rumple grips his cane in his right hand determined.
"I'm gonna get Henry."

"We agreed to do this together." Regina barked back to him.

He shakes his head no at her statement. "Actually, we made no such agreement."

My sister dropped her arms down. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because I wanna succeed. Emma: What makes you think I'm gonna fail? Mr. Gold: Well, how could you not?" Rumple spoke to my sister not believing she's ready. "You don't believe in your parents, or in magic, or even yourself.

My sister rolled her eyes focusing back on me as I cross my arms over my chest. "I slayed a dragon, I think I believe. And besides how do you know my sister isn't the same way."

"Only what was shown to you. When have you ever taken a real leap of faith? You know, the kind where there's absolutely no proof? I've know you some time, Miss Swan. And, sadly, despite everything you've been through, you're still just that... bail bonds-person, looking for evidence. Well, dearie, that's not gonna work in Neverland." He explained to her then points his index finger my direction. "I believe in Astrid because she's learning magic and believed in it much sooner than you did."

Emma scoffed determined to get her son back. "I'll do whatever it takes."

"Well, you just need someone to tell you what that is. Sorry, dearie, our foe is too fearsome for hand-holding. Neverland is a place where imagination runs wild. And, sadly, yours doesn't." Rumple explained taking my hand in his teleporting us off the ship and onto the island.

Opening my eyes I gasped seeing I am inside a wooden cage instead of by Rumple's side when we left. Getting to my feet I frantically looked around hearing someone coming this direction. Grabbing the wooden bars in my hands I gasped seeing Henry and a boy with light brown hair staring my direction. "Henry...Henry!" I called out but he can't hear me.

The random boy knocks on a tree causing a group of boys to come running out circling Henry. "You proved yourself. You are the lucky owner of that very special heart. And now? You... and it... are mine." The boy draws a knife grinning. "Come on, boys! Let's play!"

The group of boys I had to assume are the lost boys took Henry off somewhere else allowing the other boy to come towards me. I reached down searching for my sword but not finding it anywhere on my belt. "Looking for this, darling?" The boy asked holding my sword in his hand.

"Give it back, you child!" I grunted lifting my hand up trying to use magic but nothing happens. So I try the other hand getting the same result. "What the hell. That's never happened before?"

The stranger chuckled with a smirk on his face pointing his index finger towards my right arm. "Look down dear..." Lifting my arm up there's a thick black cuff on my wrist. "You see that wonderful accessory on your arm blocks your magic."

"Why you little jerk. Take it off!" I demanded glaring towards the boy I still don't know his name.

He stepped up lifting my chin with the tip of my sword that he held in between the bars. "If I wanted to I would. But I don't trust you yet darling Astrid."

"How do you know my name. I never told you it." I shuffle backwards into the corner away from him as quickly as possible.

Rumple said Neverland is a dangerous place. I could gather that whoever was Pan in this camp must be even worse. "Because I know you're little traveling buddy the Dark One and he knows who I am." The boy smiled sticking the end of my sword into the dirt and leaning on it.

Wrapping my arms around myself I remained in the corner silently searching for a way out with no magic. "And who are you supposed to be. Another lost boy?"

"Oh how rude of me darling. Where are my manners." The boy chuckled stepping up to the corner of the cage I am in. I gulped feeling his eyes staring me down. "I'm Peter, Peter Pan."

Comments really appreciated

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