Past Comes Calling

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Shutting one of the books from the clock tower library I huffed resting my arms on top of it eyeing my husband. "I don't understand why we can't just melt the whole ice wall now. I mean my sister is safe and the person who literally created the wall is now staying in my parents apartment."

The woman in the blue dress named Elsa was concerned with finding out what happened to her sister Anna. She desperately wanted her back safely where I could understand that. But I didn't understand why her ice wall was still a problem. "Yes we can obviously melt it, lass. But we have no idea what that girl spelled it with. She could curse the entire town if we provoke her spell."

"Am I hearing that right? The man that is literally named the Dark One is concerned with a spell. I thought you didn't let anyone or anything stand in your way." I teased him by flipping my hair out of my eyes, sending him a slight glare.

Rumple moved around the glass counter gently snapping me by my wrist quickly tugging me into his chest. "I am..." He said in a low growl making me hitch a breath in my throat blushing a little at finding it rather intriguing. His eyes held sternly for a moment before he spoke his next words softly. "Except now I have you and this little one of ours on the way. I don't want anything happening to you."

"If you say so. Now I am going to get some ice cream. Do you want to join me?" I asked breaking away from him.

He shakes his head no, gesturing towards another pile of books sitting near us that we needed to go through. "I'll let you take a break on your own. If you want, bring me back a cone." Heading through the shop door the bell rang with me walking a few blocks finding the shop. Henry had gotten me turned onto this shop before Pan's curse and now I love it.

"Hey, are you open yet? Holy crap it's you." I paused in my steps seeing a familiar blonde woman that used to mean everything to me and my sister when we were kids.

The woman who I remembered was named Ingrid. "Astrid. Oh my gosh it's been so long. Look at you, you're all grown up. Is your sister here?"

"That's none of your business. I'll just take two chocolate cones and then I'm leaving." I responded back in annoyance. This woman is the reason Emma and I didn't talk for a few years before she ended up in jail pregnant.

She slowly handed me two cones watching me leave. "Come back soon."

Making my way back into Rumple's shop I slammed the door behind me scoffing under my breath. He comes out from being in the backroom seeing my current state. "What happened, lass?" He takes his ice cone and mine from my hands.

"Someone from my past is in Storybrooke." I muttered pressing my back against the red wooden door feeling my heart quickening inside my chest.

"Emma. Em wait!" I called chasing my sister down the street. We had been spending the day at the fair with Ingrid and she told us that she was thinking of adopting us.

She halted in her tracks spinning around on her feet with some tears in her eyes. "That woman is insane...she nearly got us kicked Ast. I can't believe the first person who would actually want to adopt us both turns out to be nuts!"

"Maybe she is right. That we are special and I don't mean normal special. We could be something more than we even we have magic or something." I stumbled on my word's trying to remain hopeful that we would find a home like someone would in a kids story book.

My sister put her hand over, sighing heavily. "Astrid just stop. That woman is insane and I can't believe you think that she is onto something."

"Well it's better to believe in something crazy that might give you hope then to just get your heart broken over and over!" I raised my voice feeling some tears falling down my face. "Maybe we have to change what we are doing...and go our separate ways."

"You mean get adopted by different families...Astrid we probably won't ever see each other ever again." My sister's voice cracked at my suggestion but it would come to pay off later in a few years until she met a girl named Lily.

Shoving my hands in the pockets of my jacket I turned on my heels and walked away from her not talking to her until we got back to the house. "Maybe having magic like Harry Potter wouldn't be so bad."

Sliding down onto the floor I gripped my blonde hair in my hands finally meeting the deep gaze of my husband. He stands in front of me since he couldn't bend down very well with the limo even though he had magic. "Rumple I...I need something to take my mind off it. I buried my feelings on that momester kf a woman years ago."

He throws away the melting ice cream and offers me his freehand pulling me up to stand where I fling my arms around his neck sniffing into his shoulder. "Sssh lass. What do you want me to do. Give me her name and I'll handle it."

" nothing like that. Let's just talk about you're dagger. Tell me about your dagger." I begged him wiping away tears with my sleeve letting him lead me into the back room where I sat down on the cot bed waiting until he re-entered carrying the knife in his hands since he had put it back inside the safe behind the painting.

Moving over I made space for him to sit watching him spin the blade in between his hands not looking me in the eye for a few moments. "Astrid there isn't much about this and the powers that come with it that you don't already know."

"Immortality. You can be controlled with it and it can kill you. Whoever kills you becomes the new Dark One. But there has to be more, there's always more with any magic." I responded by intertwining my hands together in my lap feeling my blood boiling. I really wanted to throw a fireball at Ingrid because she made me and my sister have our very first heated fight. It took almost five years before we reunited and had moved past it.

He nods, holding the blade out where I slowly take it into my hands. Rumple closely watches me hold the blade. He knew for certain that you would never use it to control him by any means necessary. "Indeed it can do those things, lass. But I can also hear the voices of the past Dark ones. It is a tricky thing to handle."

"I assume they wouldn't be happy to see what I do to you, make you good." I pointed out feeling him tuck some hair behind my ear, making me look into his brown eyes.

He sent me a weak smile squeezing my hand before I handed him the dagger back grabbing the keys to the shop door. Rumple pushed the painting back, messing with the safe lock sitting the dagger back inside. "Astrid....Astrid.." Blinking my eyes a couple times I could have sworn that I heard an eary voice call my name with a little giggle at the end.

"Astrid. Sweetheart you alright?" Rumple's tone drew me from my trance so I closed the door following him outside.

"Oh uh yeah. I thought I heard something but it was nothing I guess." Sneaking one last look through the window at the painting I got a bad feeling at the thought that it really was a voice I heard. Like it was some kind of magic.

Comments really appreciated ❤️

- Do you want me to start including more flashbacks of Emma and Astrid??? Let me know down below.

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