Swan VS Pirate

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CrystalSaphirra thank you for coming up with a ship name. Astrilskin was my favorite 😍

Rumple moved the painting pulling out a shawl with a weak smile. Leaning my elbows on the countertop I raised my right hand trying to draw a sword from the wall into my hand. My right hand glows the golden color surrounding around the handle of the sword. It started lifting up in the air but clanked to the wooden floor. Crossing my arms over my chest I pouted angerly. "Ugh. Why is the simplest thing so hard!"

"It only seems simple because I'm the one doing it sweetheart. I've had over a thousand years of practice." He spoke putting the shawl back inside the safe locking it away. He rests his hands on my shoulders. "You'll learn in time. As did I."

Turning on my heels I picked the sword up by hand heading for the door. "I'm going for a walk to - clear my head. Do you want to come?" He smiled following me outside to walk down the streets not knowing that we had someone watching us leave.

An hour later we entered the shop seeing it torn to pieces. Rumple quickly moved to the safe finding no shawl inside. The shawl that would help him find his son. If anyone who was under the curse crossed the town line they would forget who they were and become their cursed self forever. The only one's who weren't affected are Henry, my sister and I. "I have to retrieve what's mine, Astrid."

He breathed out heavily until I grabbed his arm stopping. "I'm coming with you. You can't face him alone."

"This is my fight!" He barked back at me

Throwing my other hand out I raised my voice. "And it's my fault he stole from you. I should have just went on the walk by myself so he didn't have the chance to take the shawl!"

"How do you propose that we get the shawl back. Have you dueled with a pirate before. How exactly are you gonna help me?" He shot questions at me starting to let some tears out.

Grabbing a sword from the bucket near my feet I try twirling it in dominant hand scoffing at his little faith in me. "I'm the daughter of a prince as you've said. I think wielding a sword shouldn't be too harder than magic. Because I'm not just gonna go to Granny's and eat a burger waiting for you!"

"Astrid, please. Hook has maybe cost me the chance of finding my son. I don't want to lose you, too." Rumple grabbed my shoulder gently sniffing through some tears concerned for my safety.

He started leaving until I raised my hand shutting the door in his face with a serious stare. He glanced over his shoulder mouth hanging opened. "If you want to get that shawl back. You'll let me come with you. Otherwise your not leaving the shop."

Rumple went searching for Hook through the town and I went to the harbor. Sine he was a pirate I doubt he would leave his ship back in the Enchanted Forest if he could help it. Swinging my sword around when I reached the end of the dock it clanged with something. Lifting one foot up I step up seeing an entire pirate ship deck right before my eyes. "Seriously how did I live without magic in my life. It's awesome." I mumble to myself searching around in some inside quarters for Rumple's shawl until someone wiselled.

"Looking for this, sweet blonde?" Whipping my head around I saw a man with black hair, with a hook for a hand. In his hand he held onto the shawl.

I slowly take a step backwards reaching for the sword on my belt. "That isn't yours...Captain Hook. From Peter Pan right?"

"Peter Pan. That boy is a monster." Hook scoffs stepping closer into the small room. He tried to reach for my weapon but I kick him in the nuts where he collapsed onto the ground. Yanking the shawl from his hands I ran as fast as I can onto the deck.

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