Apple's are Code Red

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Walking down the stairs Mary Margaret smiled sitting her coffee cup down. "You look happy. Who's the lucky guy?" I shrugged on my jacket raising a brow at her question. "I didn't say anything about a relationship. How do you know it's that?" She moved around the counter picking up a note with a flower stuck to it. Opening it I see a note from Gold, correction I should say Rumple now. "Meet me in my shop for a surprise. I have something to give you." Mary tilts her head to the side never dropping the smile. Shaking my head I grab the door handle revealing. "It's Mr. Gold. I'll see you later, Mary." She called back before I could shut the door. "Be safe, Astrid!" I chuckled calling over my shoulder smiling. "Bye mom!" Entering his shop I squealed feeling arms wrap around my waist holding me close. Spinning in his arms I wrap my arms around his neck smiling. "Why are you so happy to see me. I saw your note. So what do you want to show me?" He tugs my arm pulling me into the back room with a suit case being packed. "I figured after the curse is broken you come with me to find someone. Someone I lost with the curse. What do you think?" Biting my lip I smiled to him. "I think it's a good idea, Rumple." The little bell makes a sound where we saw Regina. Leaning up I kiss his cheek leaving the store.

Rumple's POV
Regina dropped a dead apple on the countertop annoyed while I still keep the smile on my face. Astrid would be with me once her sister breaks the curse. "Wipe that smile on your face and tell me how to deal with my Swan's problem!" Tilting my head to the side I walk around to another countertop trying to remember where I keep the princess crowns to surprise Astrid later. "From what I've seen you've only fought Emma. I don't see a reason to evolve young Astrid now." She crossed her arms over her chest glaring at me. "You want the curse broken, why?" Opening a cabinet I find what I'm looking for putting it inside my coat still knowing she was waiting for an answer. "The curse is weakening and you don't seem to care. If I didn't know any better I'd say your protecting something or should I say someone...Astrid." Turning to the face the queen I lean back against the countertop. "Why exactly do you care if I have a relationship with a woman who isn't a threat to Henry hmm?" Regina throws her arms up raising her voice at my rebuttal. "She's a savior like Emma. So she's a threat to me keeping my son!" Moving into the backroom I called over my shoulder. "I don't see it that way, you're majesty. Have a good day."

Astrid's POV
Sitting outside the school Henry ran over to me a confused smile on his face. Getting to my feet I hugged the boy and he hugged me back asking. "Why are you here. More dreams?" Shaking my head no I sit back down on the bench and he sat by me. "Henry, there's something I need you to know. You're not crazy and apparently neither am I. I believe everything you say." He grinned blurring out an exciting question. "Wait really. That's great but how?" Bending my head down I scratch the back of my neck blushing lightly. "I had to kiss Mr. Gold - uh I mean Rumplestiltskin to realize it." He immediately grabbed my freehand shocked by my answer. "You kissed the Dark One?" Nodding my head slowly I revealed the dagger necklace from underneath my shirt. "I think you're theory was right about that the curse just created this necklace on its own. I think it was bringing me on my path to be in a relationship with Rumplestiltskin." Henry stared in awe until he heard my sister's voice come over the radio all weird. Getting to our feet I didn't realize I must have accidentally butt dialed Rumple. Running up the stairs we entered Mary Margaret apartment seeing that she's packing to leave town.

"You're leaving and you didn't think to tell me, Em!" I stomped inside shutting the door behind me a little aggressively. She saw Henry eyeing her then focused her attention back to me. "Sis, lisen you seem happy here and I didn't want to take that away from you. Besides you make Henry happy and Regina's gonna take care of him." He stands beside me shouting in disagreement. "You can't leave. This happens to all heroes before they face the final battle. You have to stay and give everyone there happy ending." Stomping past them Henry and my sister hugged as I sniffed a treat sitting on the countertop recognizing it immediately. "Apple!" My sister gives me a shrugged shoulder. "So?" Henry ran over to me blocking her from getting closer to it. "You can't eat that it's posion!" My sister dropped her hands at her sides scoffing. "Ast, you really believe what he's saying?" Nodding my head yes I keep a serious face. "As long as you're alive both you and Astrid you're a threat to the curse." Henry tried to explain until she grabbed it about to take a bite to prove nothing would happen. But he grabbed a hold of it to I push my way into the scuffle tearing off a piece of the turnover with some apple visible to see. "Astrid, come on you seriously believe all this." Emma throws her hands up still not understanding the threat right now.

Shaking my head I raised the treat to my mouth speaking to her before I started feeding my eyes grow heavy. "I'm sorry Emma. But the only thing that makes sense about this town is Henry's book. Put your trust in me please." Henry gives me a worried look glancing to his mom, taking a bite out of the rest of the turnover. "I'm sorry it had to come to this. You may not believe in the curse or in me...or even your own sister. But I believe in you." In a matter of seconds he collapsed onto the floor and I called out a name before my eyes fell closed and I collapse beside him falling into darkness. Gold felt his phone go off so he answered seeing it was her calling him. "Astrid, I'll be over in an hour...Astrid?" The phone line made a thud sound before he heard her weak cry for help. "Rumplestiltskin..." Then the other line went dead making him slam the phone down on the countertop.

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