Princess Astrid Charming

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Elle fanning will potray Astrid in the Enchanted Forest.

Pulling a fur cloak over my shoulders I kept my smiling at finally being back in my true home. Emma always was okay living back outside of Storybrooke but I think this is where I belonged. Climbing onto a horse I kick it in the belly riding off into the direction of my father leading the way. The wind blows through my hair until I decided to move away from the group searching around. Stopping my horse I heard something shrieking in the air racing towards it. An arrow raced past my head wounding the creature so it flies off. "Apologies my lady. I was protecting those two ladies."

Lifting my head up I gasped seeing a man carrying a bow and arrow while riding a horse. He's followed by a few men meaning he must be Robin Hood. "No apologies necessary. I'm Astrid Swan - uh Astrid Charming. What the hell was that thing?" Robin climbed off his horse gently grabbing the reins of mine leading me over to my mother and Regina who were laying on the ground.

"Robin. Robin of Locksley. And these are a few of my Merry Men." He introduced himself helping my mother up from the ground.

"Snow White." My mother introduced herself grabbing my freehand in hers. "And this is my daughter, Astrid."

Robin smiled to her. "At last we meet. You know, there was a time when our faces graced Wanted posters side by side."

Someone nods into the Evil Queen's direction. "If you're really Snow White, why are you with her?"

"Her? Show some respect. Or at least some restraint at the buffet." Regina scoffed her hands on her hips.

Robin shakes his head mentioning the man's words. "You'll have to excuse Little John, but before you cursed this land we spent many a day running from your Black Knights."

"Well, I'm sure you deserved it." She looking up to the sky. "What the hell was that thing?"

Robin shrugged his shoulders at the question. "I have no idea. We've never encountered the likes of it before." A monkey shrieks again in the distance.

"Come on. This way. We need to warn the others." Mom tagged my arm leading us back to our group heading to the castle only to learn that we couldn't get inside because someone put up a protection spell.

Robin offers us shelter at his camp so that's where we camped for the night. Playing with the necklace around my neck where I lifted it up seeing the dagger necklace Rumple gave me. Walking in the woods I heard foosteps approached causing me to create a fireball in my hands about to throw it until the person threw their hands up. "It's just me. It's Neal."

"Sorry it's just a habit now. What are you doing out here. Looking for me?" I undid the fire resting my hand on my sword attached to my hip.

Neal walked up moving his cloak around. "I'm going back to my father's castle. To see if he had anything to get back to our land. I was thinking you would want to come with me."

Nodding my head we saddle horses leaving the camp riding off for days until we reached an abandoned castle. Opening the doors with my magic I walk inside seeing the castle all torn a mess. Foosteps came from another room causing me to draw my sword aiming it at a figure. A woman with brown hair I didn't recognize raised her hands up in surrender. "Woah I'm not an enemy. I'm unarmed please the sword."

"Belle?" Neal gasped with a smile stepping up in front of my sword.

Gripping my weapon I stepped with him nit trusting what he says. "Neal, how the hell do you know her?"

"She's a friend. She helped me get to Neverland. She won't hurt us." He explained pressing my sword down into the floor.

Placing my sword back inside the handle I walked up to the girl extending my hand. "I'm sorry I threatened you. I'm Astrid. I'm the daughter-"

"The daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. I know who you are. News traveled fast before the curse that she was expecting." Belle shakes my head watching Neal start searching through the castle on his own.

Turning on my heels I started grabbing books hearing Belle question coming to help us out. "What are you looking for. I'm quite familiar with this place considering I was once a maid her."

"We're trying to bring back the Dark One. To bring back Rumplestiltskin." Neal didn't answer her so I turned around showing her the dagger necklace. "There's people in another realm that he wants to get back to. And I want to be with the love of my life again."

Belle nodded helping us begin our search. Not any of us knowing that someone was watching us from inside the Queen's castle. The wicked witch waved her hand turning off the mirror spell. "Looks like she doesn't want to play princess without her darkness. That soulmates bond will get me control of the Dark One." She laughed having her plan in motion.

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